A final farwell


To those who I may have called friends.

I have found a way to travel back to my own land.
So this is the last time any of you will hear from me.
May your adventures be profitable.

Lord Le'Serras Moondown of Esronnel

P.S. I have adventured with your lot before so I understand
the mindset, but to those who are new to the life of
adventuring. Perhaps cutting their arms and legs off is NOT
the best welcome. Just a bit of food for thought.

Stay safe.
I have do not recall your name or face. Where u harmed in our lands? I am lost and just getting back from a long journey. Perhaps if you come and talk to myself or Sir Garoth we could figure this out. I have never heard of anyone losing arms or legs to any other adventures staying within our lands. Except those that have had to make sacrifices for riddles/quests/what have you like myself.... If you are truly leaving then may peace favor your sword.

Cry Havok and Howl for Blood,

I would not worry overmuch about this issue, Goodman Moondown agreed to temporarily give up his limbs in order to rescue some innocent souls from some dark fae. Appearently given enough time he has decided this was not in his interest and I regret he has chosen to do so while leaving the lands. At any rate, the damage that was done was healed only a few minutes after it was inflicted and the fae had departed. Sir Garroth was in fact present during the encounter with these rather sadistic beings and I personally asked him about the legalities of the actions there were taken in that realm. I also regret that he has chosen to leave the lands while still indebted, but that debt is recorded only upon his honor and thus I'll publically absolve him of it here as it was only a minor matter at any rate.

Barrister Enan Bluewater
As I have stated. I am acustomed to the hazards of Adventuring. After all the pain of a few missing limbs is worth the return of the souls of inoccents. But my friend Senrith, he was very new to this all and I had heard no Reliquish of his rights to bare arms... Or legs. As I have stated for the third time. I am acustomed to such things. But new blood may not. This wasn't the first time I have lost my limbs among other things to the dark fey.
Good Luck! Bon Voyage! Hakuna Matata! Peace Be Wit' You! Take Care! Bye! Sayonara! Auf Weidersen! :D

*sigh* I'm gonna miss you crazy-mind Ponzi scheme guy. :lol:

Fortune Follow You,
