A friend of mine gets her film in the Library of Congress

http://www.variety.com/article/VR111801 ... ef=bd_film

This is so cool!

I've known animator Sally Cruikshank for quite a few years. She directed a weird animated film in the 70s called "Quasi at the Quackadero" and a few others (Danny Elfman did the soundtrack to one of them). She also did the title sequence to the film "Madhouse" and did animation on a bunch of other films too (and did a lot of Sesame Street bits). Her imdb page is here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0190012/

She's kind of retired now, raising horses and playing Lexulus with me on Facebook every day.

Anyway, "Quasi at the Quackadero" has just been added to the Library of Congress' film archive! She is so happy and I'm so happy for her!


Here's her web page: http://www.funonmars.com/