A Good Death


NEPA Staff
Hey All,

With the new permanent death rules I was curious, what would you consider a good death? At what point would you take the "last chance" life? Would you take the one life to live option if the manner of your death was cool enough?
I can pretty safely say I'd never pick the last life option. I love RP, but I'm not so hardcore that I actually enjoy playing low-level characters if I don't have to.
I don't really care much about the build/retirement thing but it'd be the one I pick. I wouldn't choose last life. When it's my PCs time to go, it's his time to go. I won't extend it further once I take the black.
One of my characters would likely take the "Last Life" option and go off to a happy retirement in-game (he has no plans to perm, he'd rather ride off into the sunset).

Another would likely take the "Last Life" option and fight to the bitter end for his particular cause.

The third I would probably half build / half deaths right away.

In the interests of full disclosure, keep in mind that the first two are Regenerated and the third is not - and that definitely affects my thoughts on each character's ultimate fate. I don't know that I would half build/half death a character who is very high up on the death count.

I will say that once you have a primary character at a "good" spot build-wise (whatever that means to you), starting an alternate to throw monthly blankets on is never a bad idea and makes you much more likely to be comfortable with the "last life" or "instant perm" options, since you have someone else waiting in the wings.

Polare said:
I don't know that I would half build/half death a character who is very high up on the death count.
I agree with this. Honestly, I think the only instance where I'd take the option of perming on the spot and half-building is if I ten-percented with no deaths bought back and I felt comfortable with the death. Otherwise, I don't see it being worth getting half my build with a significant number of deaths carried over. For me, I'd almost always pick the last life option, and probably keep it a secret.
Tvard wants his death to be a sacrafice, not a mistake. So maybe take another death or maybe keep the current.
I'd probably go one life to live just for the rush of knowing "this is it" unless my PC's death was a good dramatic moment to go out (last fight against a racial enemy or in attempting to complete a personal goal) or the means of my death are so hilarious that coming back would ruin the joke.
Well, to be fair I planned on perming my current character into the dirt pretty hard, recklessness should have consequences and all, but I might do half build/half death when that happened to plop some build onto whatever stupid build I do next. (Wylderkin Celestial Caster is a frequent thought.... :D )
As my Dark Elf, I'd consider it a good death if I permed doing something epic for my race. My home chapter has some good racial plot going on at the moment, and I find myself on the occasional mod doing something to help them out. If I permed on one of those mods, I'd probably pick the "Perm on the spot" option, and go out as a hero amongst my people.

Other cool perms would involve holding off a dragon so everyone else had time to escape. (Or something like that.)

And maybe something involving a really cool explosion that I was totally walking away from while not looking back. Let's say, the hypothetical dragon crashed into the ground right behind me after I just killed the necromancer and the ensuing explosion took out the entire area. (I just watched How to Train Your Dragon again recently and the huge crash/explosion just seems epic)

I hope I'm not alone in this, but I think there's something to be said for the George R. R. Martin death.

If Angrag bites it because he was too cocky to gather up some friends before wandering around at night, that's still a story.

Honestly, I'm kinda hoping for "assassinated while carousing."
I think I would just suck up and take it whether it was a tiny fox or the BBG of the weekend that geeks my current character.
stonegolem said:
I hope I'm not alone in this, but I think there's something to be said for the George R. R. Martin death.

If Angrag bites it because he was too cocky to gather up some friends before wandering around at night, that's still a story.

Honestly, I'm kinda hoping for "assassinated while carousing."

One armed kobold with a polearm kills Riddick... still a better story than Twilight.


I agree. When the stone comes up... I'm taking it.
I think for my character (Kasuni) it would depend on who is around when she perms, and what I might guess the roleplay would look like at the time.

If none of her friends are around, I think I would pick the last-life option.

I think that I would also pick the last life option if she died randomly alone in the woods.
stonegolem said:
I hope I'm not alone in this, but I think there's something to be said for the George R. R. Martin death.

If Angrag bites it because he was too cocky to gather up some friends before wandering around at night, that's still a story.

Honestly, I'm kinda hoping for "assassinated while carousing."

The best deaths are unplanned for. I managed to make one into a two-year RL mystery and a second one into a rampage of destruction that made the NPCs tell stories about it years after I croaked (possession, necromantic reanimation, and all).

If you're planning your character's death, you're not really "living" them to begin with.
Polare said:
I don't know that I would half build/half death a character who is very high up on the death count.

This. Maybe if I joined the 10% club at a decently mid level point and also had a new character in mind, I'd take the halved option. Otherwise, I have no desire to start and invest in a new character only to have the chance to perm on my very first rez. If I want more starting levels, then I can NPC to earn them. More likely I'd go one last life to live, and carry on as if I didn't know it was my last chance. A "good death" to me is one that comes after a life of staying true to character, so I'd like that life to not be really short, since I have a history of getting attached to past D&D characters and by day two of LARP PCing I was really into it. That said, I'd be a bit sad to perm from death by random crunch on a walk back from the portajohn, and would probaly take perm on the spot if I clearly bought a ticket on the ride that got me.

My opinion is probably colored a lot by the fact that this rules change was announced (but not yet effective) before I ever PCed, so I've started off already knowing this is a choice and never playing under the sword of you draw the black stone, your fate is sealed, since I highly doubted I'd do anything dangerous enough to rez three times in a single event.