A greeting


Greetings to all.

My name is Motoshima Ayako, and I am a scholar of the Celestial Arts, amongst other things. I find that my travels will be bringing me to your lands in the next moon. My purpose is twofold. I wish to know something of the lands I would enter. Are they peaceful? Do you of Wayside welcome travelers? What troubles prevail?

I seek also an instructor in the Formal circle of Celestial magic, as my studies have progressed to the 9th circle. Should one be interested in an exchange of knowledge or services, I would ask that they contact me within this realm. If there is not a scholar of that aptitude who normall frequents the area, I would ask if anyone has knowledge of one with the ability to open the path of Formal magic to a willing student.

May you find what you seek
Motoshima Ayako
I would like to welcome you to dhis sleepy ol' burg, goodlady Motoshima Ayako! Certes is a good town, in spite of a few problems surrounding dhe Romanichal, some ot'er problems surrounding sunken temples and all dhat, but what burg dhese days don' have somt'ing like dhat?

Go to Jara's tavern for a drink, great place. Good food. Nice people. Learn everyt'ing you need to know 'bout dhe town in dhere. :)

As for dhe formalist you be lookin' for, I say contact a man named Jehan Wyldweaver. I t'ink he would be happy to teach you ni problem.

May Your Troubles Be So Few Dhat Your Shoes Nary Need A Cleaning,

Fortune And Love Find You Where'er,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
Goodlady Dagon-

You speak of troubles surrounding the Romani...what plagues your lighthearted people? Is this a recent problem, or one which has persisted?

This sunken temple...has it been recently excavated?

I will be sure to look up Jara's Tavern, it is indeed a good thing to have a quiet place to settle for a drink and meal.

I thank you for the contact in Jehan Wyldweaver. I shall see if our interests align, though I would not turn down insight from more than one instructor.

May you find what you seek
Motoshima Ayako
Miss Ayako,

am Jehan, ah would be willing ta undertake yar teachin if ya would like. I would like if ya would take time ta speak ta me and perhaps help me wit a task ah have ta git settled. I am assured da danger would be little but will nonetheless have a few along ta defend us. Da task at hand would be experimental in nature and thus might be a bad time ta teach formal but ah would be happy ta help ya as ah make an item fur mah friend.

Before ah kin teach ya well ah would like ta discuss yar current knowledgebase oh magics and yar expected use of formal magis in private. Perhaps we can meet?

Prof Jehan
Professor Jehan,

Greetings and well met. I thank you for your swift response. I shall send a pidgeon and we shall see if we suit as instructor and pupil.

May you find what you seek
Motoshima Ayako
jnelson said:
Goodlady Dagon-

You speak of troubles surrounding the Romani...what plagues your lighthearted people? Is this a recent problem, or one which has persisted?

This sunken temple...has it been recently excavated?

Dhere eez dhis t'ing dhere dhat I know we are so close to solving once and for all wit' dhe permanent deat' of He I Shall Nye Name Here. We got eet well figger'd I t'ink. A very powerful Romani channeled him energy and was able to, I t'ink, remove dhis taint from dhe land. But per'aps eet could still exist stronger dhan ever. But dhere eez nye sense arguing about whet'er or nye a rock is a magnent when dhere eez no metal around.

Dhe problem was was dhat Romani in dhe lands brought undead. Nye control'd dhem, nye communicating wit' dhem. Dhey would jus' come to dhe land when e'er a Romani were around. Due to dhis, dhere eez an organization called dhe GFW. Gypsy Free Wayside. Firs' dhey were bent on removing Romanichal from dhe land, but now eet seems dhey have gotten more violent. Dhey desecrated dhe corpses of mi fratello and sorella dhat died in Lady Death's wake. Dhey killed mi opa. But Romani, dhey are nye protected by dhe Law of Briarpass. We are likened to goblins or kobolds, or undead or naga. It seems sport to dhe less moral of Briarpass. Gypsy hunting. Dhere eez not'ing legally stopping anyone from stealing from, torturing, killing or committing any other crime upon a gypsy.

But dhat will be fix'd soon, I hope.

As for dhe temple, we tried excavating it. I do nye know what happened dhe nex' time dhe adventurers went. I were nye dhere. I were working in my lab, getting comfortable wit' it. Making a couple t'ings to fix a wound or make a party. :)
"It seems sport to dhe less moral of Briarpass. Gypsy hunting."

It wasn't... now it should be!

Gordon Allister
Proud Member of the GFW
So therein you are admitting to being less moral?

Well I was nye going to say eet.

Well drawn, mis'er in good sooth.

May Trouble Forget Your Face,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
*a voice that is beginning to find everything farcical, if not outright offensive to her every sense. A good natured, but bitter laugh*

No, you 'ave mistaken. I am nye Dead. You are t'inking of mi papa. We did look lots alike, dhough.

*laug is gone as she begins to speak again. Voice dulcet and echos civility and sounds nearly matronly*

Let me ask you dhis:

We are on dhe verge of curing your lands of dhis horrid blight and you persist wit' dhe persecution and dhe mean t'ings being said.

Dhe Festival of Rai is coming up soon. Eet eez a celebration of much drink, much dance, much love, where we celebrate our origins from our distant ancestors; Humankind.

Should we, by "we" I mean dhe Romani in dhe adventuring group dhat eez to end dhe terrors dhat ravage your lands, aflict your lives as well as mine. Should we end dhis terror from He Who I Shall Nye Name I ask...

Would you celebrate wit' us dhen? Or does dhis go deeper dhan dhe curse?

We can nye undo what has been done by He Who I Shall Nye Name. But I do t'ink dhat we may begin reparation in dhe spirit of friendship under our race's most revered festival.

May Fortune And Love Find You All Where'er,

Trouble Be None,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
What is all this about, is this another one of them honor things thats gunna end up in some more fightin? Marcena you seem like a nice lady, why do you keep pickin on this guy to makes him madder, to da point of makin fun of his talkin? I've never seen planned good things be used ta talk down to someone before like that, seems kinda dirty ta Durl. I means ya do what you can ta does yer part and thats it right? Or is this another one of them honor things that I doesn't get, maybing doing sum good means ya get to be meaner to people ya don't likes? Hopefully when we meets you ken explain it to Durl so he understands cause I just don't get it.

Gordon, meybe you en Durl could meet ta talk sometimes too, after all ders nothing wrong with expressing yer opinion as long as you haven't done nothin wrong.
He and him kind have been threatening me and all Romani in an open and public forum. Before I ignore like eet eez all jus' steam. Dhen dhe GFW murder mi opa. I am grateful dhat he came back, but dhere are dhose dhat shall nye. Dhe las' t'ing we need eez a martyr.

I per'aps should nye have said some t'ings eit'er. I admit, I am young, my blood be hot. Mi opa tell me once, long ago "Marcey, words are as butterflies, once released, it is hard to take dhem back". He eez right. I should nye have said anyt'ing and 'course I would beseech forgiveness.

I can nye represent my entire race. But eez what eez expected of me and I shall try harder to stay my tongue.

I offered a way to begin reparations after dhe bloodshed. After dhe bodies are counted and dhe day eez ours. Dhere eez much to be done after He Who I Shall Nye Name eez gone and dead fore'er.

Een our culture, we celebrate dhem. Dhe humans, I mean. Why do dhey nye celebrate us? We are, in part, dheir children.