A half empty cup.


Greeting adventurers,

My name is Peter Dhugan. Once upon a time I was Sergeant within the Royal Army of Gaden. I also was an adventurer within the Shetter Lands. However the time of Gaden has past, and those lands do not exist anymore. Over the winter I have become a resident within Terna again, and have offered my assistance to help combat the undead within Ternian. I felt it was my duty to help those in need. Which has reignite the fire within this old solider. I will be at the next market day. I encourage you to have an ale with me, and share stories of the past. If you need any help all you need to do is but ask.

-Peter Dhugan
The Legendary Peter Dhugan,

Hey it is Bruisey. I would like to have an ale with you...oh by the way I got turnt into a high orc by this bandit shaman I encountered since we last met. I will be at this next market day.

Bruisey Foemangler
Peter, we will share a glass and stories of our lost home.

-Fredrick Crawford