A humble request for a simple healer

Good evening adventurers,

I have heard the dreams of an undead threat and wish to offer my expertise to find a resolution.

Unfortunately, due to what you may call a misunderstanding, I have been imprisoned in a wizard's tower for the past few years and as their prisoner, was stripped of all my belongings, including my completed Earth spell book, my staff, and the small amount of coin a humble healer such as myself carries.

I would give my healing talents to the adventuring community if it would heed a simple request of a few coins and access to an Earth spell book to help get me back on my feet, and I shall do the same in battle, quite literally. I would need enough coin for a new staff and a new Healing relic, as well as access to an Earth spell book to study. To fully utilize my mastery of Earth magic, the spell book would need to contain all of the spells, including the most powerful one to bring a spirit back from death.

If any generous adventurers would be willing to help with this most basic request for the absolute essentials of healing magic supplies, please let me know before the next market day. Please help me so that I can help you.

A simple healer,

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It would do me a disservice to my Apprentice if I didn't load you a spellbook and some things to get you back on your feet. I'll send you along with my spellbook and some coin and a relic.

It's good to hear from you, I thought after you stopped showing up that you either were left behind in Gaden or had found a more permanent home in the Wildlands. While I can't visit next market, I did hope to make an appearance in Erabella sometime soon.

- Asher

If you require something to get you back on your feet that Asher cannot provide, I am sure that you can requisition it from the town box. Additionally, if you have any questions about the laws of Erabella or anything else, I would be happy to answer them. Seek me out at the next gathering or send me a letter privately.

Zen Mallowbrooks

It has been a long while. I am sorry, but not surprised, to hear about your legal troubles. It seems that Lord Oakheart has you well taken care of. Should the mists, royalists, or the local bandits interfere with Lord Oakheart's package, you are welcome to study from my spell book. I'm sure that I have or can make a staff for you as well.

Good evening,

Thank you all for remembering me and I shall take up your offers. Knowledge of the laws regarding necromancy would be of value to me, as well as any local resources devoted to the study of it... for preventative and counter measures only, of course. I heard the dreams mentioning some sort of Magic Guild?

Also, I found a simple leather vest in a coffin during my recent travels, but it doesn't fit quite right. I would need the services of a blacksmith to tailor it up just a bit so that it could be worn in battle. I would compensate in coin.

Should one of our fine blacksmiths in town be unavailable to rework your vest into armor quality, I should have some spare small armor on hand for sale to get the job done, Innoxius.

~ Gandian

I’m sending you a package that I hope reaches you including: my spellbook, a 15 dagger blow set of armor, a staff, some coin and some other things.

Remember, I see your Apprenticeship to me as an extension of my beliefs and values. Please keep that in mind as you travel to Evodia.
