A Letter From Duke Nevin Kendrick


It is with a heavy heart in these times that I must make you aware of the death of Amani Council member Lady Elena Tir’Intorialian. I ask you all to assist me in the estate of College, along the border of the Barony of Ash Forest. There is a threat to the safety of the Duchy (if not more far reaching) that must be dealt with, as well as important matters of state. While I do not feel it is appropriate to discuss such matters in so public a forum, all will be explained shortly after arrival.

Please be advised we will be meeting with four Consuls who will be representing the surviving Amani Council members: Feniel Skytimber, Consul to Councilman Lord Elsinor Quicksilver; Anolid Trelithia, Consul to Councilman Lord Gwindor Grayhalm; Amithawyn Konestii, Consul to Coucilwoman Lady Glenduria Goodberry Manyave; and Tyviel Swiftwaters, Consul to Councilman Lord M'theran Kilentrin. As is befitting their station and responsibilities, they shall be afforded the respect of Peerage. While you need not bow to them as they are not true knights, much as visiting foreign dignitaries, they shall be given respect properly due that station.

As we will be along the border of the Ash Forest, I feel it important to remind you that once outside of the Ducal Fiefs, “local law” will have precedence. As such, please remember that any act of arson or damage to the trees within the Ash Forest is considered obliteratable on first offense. I feel no need to warn you that Necromancy carries the same penalty. For further information regarding local law, please bring your concerns to a member of the Court of the Ash Forest.

Sir Nevin Kendrick, Duke of Ashbury