A long walk...

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The Journy from Brightmoor was long but uneventful. Normal some one would be bored or upset by a Journy such as this but these days, its a good thing. The Tari-nor was just happy to be close to "civilized" people. Having passed the Gate Guards with a few comments about the Snow and wind, The Tari-nor made his way to inn he remembered on his last vist. He dropped his gear, paid for a month, and then made his way out the door and to the gold waiting outside.

He walk down to the market place, covered in a fine layer of snow, and kicking over a wood create that was discarded, he tapped his boots and said in a loud voice to all who could hear in the market:

"Ladys and Gentalmen, Tradesmen and Merchants, Nobels and Common man, I am Tito, The Tari-nor Trader! Some have called me Tiro the Great! Tito the Grand! and even Tito the Humble! ;) But never the less I am Tito the Tari-nor Trader and I am here today to Trade with you!! I am unlike other traders that sell thier wares and compete with one an other, I am here to Trade with you and BUY your stuff! I pay in coin and thats always welcome in hard times!
What do I buy, you ask? What will I trade, you yell? I buy every thing!!! Have an old rusted axe? Ill take it! Have a dented peice of Armour that dosent fit your happy round belly? I buy it!!! Have a bunch of poitions or elixers that you never knew what they did anyway so you might as well get rid of them??? Ill take 'em!!!! I may even have a special scroll or potion on hand that i might part with.
I buy EVERY THING!!! and at good prices too! ;) so never fear about getting your moneys worth, cause I never cheated a customer that didnt needed cheating! So come Find me at the Ogiers Head Tavern, Ill be there most nights and we'll make a Deal!.......and dont forget to tell your friends!

With that, Tito hopped of the box and made his way back down his new home for the next few months.
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