A mass dreaming


(A strong focused dream echoes from Kar's mind)

Remaining members of the Kyralia, please hear me. My name is Karvedoma o Dubgahil a child of the Icenian Familia and a Kyralian traveler whom I was separated from when the mists closed and travelers were separated from the Kelay. I speak to you because of a troubling occurance, that I believe should be shared with others, and discussied. A member of our people, Vox, named traitor of Icenia has been seen by those I trust to be turning a golden color. I have been told that it appears he is soaking himself in alchemy. The reason I was informed of this is because I have been telling the people around me about the origins of the Kyralia, the Golden Elves. I am worried that Vox may be attempting to regress to a Golden Elf, and what that would do not only to his own mind, but to what he may do to the minds of others, as he has already been seen to go into others minds without permission. I was taught that my people were healers, his behaviors and attempts disturb me, and the possibility of his actions escalating seems very near. If there are any among you that have heard of possible regressions of Kyralia to the Golden Elf origin please contact me, and be wary, I do not know how this may affect us all if he succeeds.

Vox, if you can hear this, please cease your actions, and turn yourself in.

Karvedoma ó Dubhghaill child of the Kyralia
Member of the Errant Court of Brittington
Any paying attention to this dream are given the feeling as though one person has left the stage and another steps up to the podium. Kar’s words echo and fade away from your minds and the silence left is forced. The impression of clothes being smoothed over and hair being mussed into place before a great speech comes through the dream and you feel as though you’re one person standing amidst a crowd of onlookers.

Calmly, yet firmly, his voice flows out to fill the void after Kar’s announcement. “Thank you, Kar, for spoiling the surprise. It is true, people of Fortannis. I am, indeed, changing. I am changing back to what my people once were. Before we were cursed, we were strong. We were not bound to control our emotions lest we double over in pain until death. We did not have belts to hold us back. There were no nobles to demand our obedience. We were a free people.

I have found a way to lift this curse. No longer will my people suffer for a crime that they themselves did not commit. It is time, my fellow Kyralia to take back our heritage. With me, we can end the suffering of the curse. You emotions will no longer pain you. You will no longer be shackled as slaves to the demands of those who rightfully have no sway over you. You need only find me and I shall free you from the bonds of our curse, as I have done myself.

To Kar I say this. Cease your meddling and your attempts at keeping our people enslaved to this curse. You have no right to deny any their heritage. Who knows, maybe once you give in to the emotions you will see precisely how much strength you truly have.

Enough of these games. I am done trying to show you and your fellow adventurers a different side of the coin. You have burned too many bridges in your wake. It is time that you see that your actions have consequences for those less powerful than yourselves. Someone has to show you. May as well be me."

Grandmaster Alchemist Vox.
Academic. Golden Elf. Golemancer. Merchant.
A slow clap is heard through the dreaming. If it is possible a slight smile could theoretically be felt, at the same moment as a frown, were the source not Kar. Her voice is heard, loud, and clear.

Traitor of Icenia Vox

I would like to remind you of the great wars and rifts that the Golden Elves caused through their pride and greed before they were set on the right path by Stonemoss. What you call a curse has given our people the opportunity to do good without the flaws, cruelty and thoughtlessness of our ancestors. You have not lifted a curse from yourself, you have placed one. You have caused pain to many already, as the alchemical spills from your brew caused children of the forest to become Malwoken. Your own actions and attitude are the best mirror of why the Golden Elves were wrong, and must not return. You are proud, greedy and cruel, and hold no respect for the sanctity of the people and minds around you. I see you as no kin of mine, because clearly the Kyralian Heritage has washed through your mind like wind, and left only what you wish to use as an excuse for your actions. I have emotions, those that know me see this. I love, I care, I feel, and I will never stop fighting against the abominable actions you put forth. I feel Vox, so perhaps it would be wise to not give me reason to hate.

There is still time to turn yourself in and pay penance for your crimes, though none is left to pay penance for your insults, and misguided teachings.
May you one day find yourself once again on a path lit by the sun
One that will never stop fighting you, or stop working to right what you have made wrong
Karvedoma ó Dubhghaill child of the Kyralia
Member of the Errant Court of Brittington
Same reward and terms if found in Brittington.

Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer
Your Grace,
I do not mean to talk through your final pronouncement, but for the benefit of any others who might be confused or want to look into what this liar speaks....know all that Vox is a simpering child. He has proven in the past that he has no grasp or perspective or respect for history. This is not someone you should follow into the past. If anyone is interested in the History, then fine, we can find ways for your curiosity to be sated.
Vox has changed the rules of engagement, as evidenced by the words of Duke Nevin. Let the hunt begin.

Simon Neville
Lord Captain of the Black Candles, Ash Forest
Your Grace, if I may....I know Vox has been traveling in the lands of Barran for some time and it is quite possible he may be mist hopping in an attempt to avoid detection. Maybe even hiding here currently. If true, I shall keep an eye out for him.
Trevor Dae