A memento close to my heart


Chicago Staff
Good people of Wayside,

Zit was great partaking in vhe great story against Thonesh! However, a memento dear to me vas lost during the fight. Like all possessions that traveled vith us back to Wayside, it should have traveled back as vell. It was an item given to me from vhy first love, the token of her love and vhy I hold it so dear. Zhit was but a metal heart, palm size, yet vhat size it was in actuality, zit vas large in my mind.

I ask good people of Wayside, should you have found this veautiful heart of vine, please let me know, and I vil gladly give compensation for zits safe return. Zhere are but a few things I can not do vithout, my hat, my cane, and zhat heart.

A heartless Bard,