A Merchants Insight


Chicago Staff
So it dawned on me, you know what I REALLY hate the most? It's trying to identify what potions are what and what alchemical things are what. At some point last market I found myself in possession of a Merchant Insight scroll--I think I bought from Bruisey--and I would like for someone who can cast Ritual magic to cast it on our tavern.

that's right, for a single 10 weekends of market, we'll all be able to identify things almost instantly!

I have also supplied 3 out of 4 components, but could use the donation of a Penna.

This will be benefitted by everyone. So, who shall cast this convenience?!

A generous fellow,
I will be able to cast it on Saturday if that works for you.

I was already planning this as a project for the merchant guild. I'll happily provide the penna as well provide a preserve duration.
I will be willing to cast it as well, if for some reason Mister Fredrick is incapable or unavailable. I will waive the usual casting fee as a gesture of goodwill.

Assuming this tavern building is larger than about a dozen feet across, multiple casters of the same aspect will need to cast a simultaneous Circle of Power to encompass it. I can supply a single casting of an Earthen Circle of Power.

Talus Duskmere
I think Friday would be good, and I know there are plenty of Earthen Casters to extend the circle. That being said, perhaps if we added a Haven if the Living since a Preserve is to be used it may help with any undead issues.

Regardless, thank you for your contributions.

I was planning on throwing on a Blissful Rest for giggles. The building already has Stable Foundation on it. The issue with a Haven is that it requires a catalyst.
The haven doesn’t to my knowledge. I could be wrong but I believe only a stable foundation does.

While meaning no disrespect to Fredrick, I would be keen to see an Earth caster preform this ritual. Though I am no longer unsworn and I this do not have any strong feelings about Celestial Magic, I remember the displeasure it caused me. With that in mind, let us not forget our Biata allies and ensure that this ritual not cause them any undue discomfort.

- Squire Raganrok
Lifestorm would be happy to provide a Haven of the Living scroll to be cast on the tavern. It does, however, require an "Essence of Innocence" catalyst which we do not currently have.

-Squire Rusty
I could try bring a clipping of my little dwarfling's beard or one of her first rocks to see if it works as Essence of Innocence. Worth a shot. She is very cute and innocent. She stays safe at the forge with her Daddy.

-Gertrude the Gruntuled
To my knowledge, it would require more of the child's essence than some hair clippings to qualify as a Catalyst. I doubt you would be willing to make such a sacrifice of your own child for this purpose.

I will not be in attendance until Saturday morning, perhaps very late tonight. I will refrain from aligning my High Magic until I have arrived so that I can be ready to perform the rituals if necessary. I will not demand payment, but if there are additional rituals beyond the Merchant's Insight, particularly a more difficult one like Haven of the Living, I would appreciate some degree of remuneration. Unfortunately my House's coin reserves did not come with me when I came to Wayside and I will soon find myself in need of additional funds.

On a related note, there are a few missing pages from my spellbook. Are there any who would be willing to share a complete Earth spellbook that I might copy the missing spells?

Talus Duskmere