A Message of Thanks and Warning

(Along within the realm of the Dream scape, You find this message nailed to the doors to the Black Stag Tavern in Fairdale and on the doors to the Laughing Satyr in Storms End.)

Greetings to the brave defenders of the lands of Trellheim and Storms End.

The Stormblades wish to offer their greatest thanks and well wishes to those who helped hold and then free Storms End from the combined forces of the Broken Spear clan and the undead menace that has rooted itself in the area. In recognition for the help and sacrifices made by those who continually give freely of themselves to protect the commoners of the once great barony of Trellheim, the Stormblades wish to dedicate a memorial, which shall be located in the Central market adjacent to the humble abode. All who stood with us shall have their names recorded so that future generations shall know that they owe their lives, and the lives of their children to the adventurers who threw back the invading hoards of Broken spear; so that a bright light in a darkened land did not burn out. Along with the physical memorial the Stormblades bid their most heartfelt thanks to everyone whom did rally in defense. In the aftermath that follows we shall rebuild and remember those who gave all to protect the kingdom and common man alike. The defending adventurers alone had suffered 13 resurrections, the Storm Guard of 200 suffered well over 160 deaths, many of whom did not make it back to us. The commoners suffered the worst of the devastation, with over 2000 dying at the hands of the invaders, it is too early to know how many have not made it back to us. It is with deepest sorrow and regret that I am to report that my predecessor, the honorable and great Sheriff Holst, did take his final death this gather. Hail the Glorious Dead, may he find rest in the Heroes Graveyard. In closing, thank you all who continue to safegaurd this great kingdom, and keep it and its people from harm.

On a separate and more urgent note:
During this past gather, a group of stalwart adventurers did offer assistance on ridding a mill of undead. Upon entering the belly of the mill they were told to lower their weapons by a dark shrouded figure. The poorly lit personage then did lower his cowl and introduce himself as Lochaber, Lord General to the Empress of Galanthia. The gathered heroes did make their escape and reported back to Baron Harrison who checked them for any domination or curse of undeath. With the arch Vampire working so close to Fairdale I must urge that every person entering town succumb to a voluntary test by earth blade. Please take care, and do not travel alone.

May you all be safe till we next meet.
Walk with the Earth, and look to the Sky.

Sheriff Izer
Sheriff of Storms End and Fairdale
Battle Mage of the Stormblades
Attache of the court of Norden