A New Guild


It 'as occured to me recently that per'aps the town would benefit from a group of those with similar skills figh'in' together. If you like to attack from be'ind and preserve your own safety please do contact me, privately or openly if you prefer.

Just think of wot a group could do when surroundin' an enemy like the corrupt! Unless they're up against a tree we could deal a series of devastatin' blows together. Combine that with the growing militia force and those big town-wide line fights and we'd be golden- we'd know 'ow each of us works and would 'ave the rapport ready to take down those baddies when they pop up.

And lest anyone believe this is anything other than wot it seems let me just say now that guild decisions will be decided through vote. It is my great desire to build connections that every one of us might have a voice free of style-based prejudice and mistrust.

If you 'ave any interest in this please let me know, I'm sure that together we can do a world of good!

-Miss Alyce Sharp,
Owner of Alyce's Bits & Bobble
Meaning no disrespect, but I would stay clear of using the word "Guild", until you are an officially licensed Guild by the crown, stick to words like group. I have seen crown officials be rather unfriendly to those who claim, or even speak of guildhood without proper paperwork backing them up.
Just trying to help.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
None taken Thorador. In fact, I appreciate your concern an' suggestion. I am lookin' t' form a guild though- with the paperwork. As soon as int'rest is decided an' membership is worked out I would like to form it as such. I want everything to be above board and will certainly not claim guildhood until it has been established. Prior t' that it will simply be a group of likeminded individuals. I 'ope this 'elps clarify.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
