A New Threat

Jesse Grabowski

Greetings all,

A few nights ago, some... thing... a force... ate someone's ward and killed several adventurers within. When they resurrected, Guildmaster Gravelcracker said they described it only as some "entity," that devoured them in the fleeting moments of consciousness.

A few nights before that, someone known to possess powerful magical items was likewise taken down and devoured, their items turned to dust.

At this time, only my tent and the cook's kitchen will retain ward spells. We have yet to discover if wizard lock spells invoke its wrath.

Furthermore, only the healers guild, mages guild, and merchants guild will have circles of power within.

If you fear you might be carrying some item that may lead to this entity seeking you out, I would highly recommend leaving these items at your home, or else please speak with Ryker so that he may assist you.

Prince Malidor Ironbeard
Prince Ironbeard,

Thank you for this information.

My name is Squire Hildr'. My knight is Baron Sir Marcus. I am here to assist you with whatever you may need.

I am carrying various magical items with me.

When I arrive through the mist, where might I find Rykar?

Also, I am an earth templar. I would be honored if you would let me become invested in your earth circle. I am one of the main resserectures in my current land of Malestrome and would be willing to help out with whatever you may need.

Should you need to verify my idenity, I have papers from my knight for you to check.

In service,
Squire Hildr'
House Phoenix
Member of the Clerks
Protector of the totems
Member of the Adventures Club
Prince Ironbeard,

Thank you for this information.

My name is Squire Hildr'. My knight is Baron Sir Marcus. I am here to assist you with whatever you may need.

I am carrying various magical items with me.

When I arrive through the mist, where might I find Rykar?

Also, I am an earth templar. I would be honored if you would let me become invested in your earth circle. I am one of the main resserectures in my current land of Malestrome and would be willing to help out with whatever you may need.

Should you need to verify my idenity, I have papers from my knight for you to check.

In service,
Squire Hildr'
House Phoenix
Member of the Clerks
Protector of the totems
Member of the Adventures Club
If it helps I am a recognized member of the former Stonefist Clan of Fathomfall and I will vouch for Hildr.

My sistrumm is solid as unrol, ulro E var eron Khro Nar E Amoruk eron gold.
(My sister is solid as stone, with a will of iron and a heart of gold.)

Not sure the Dwarish of our diffrent lands are exactly the same but I place the honor of my adopted clan upon her being loyal an trustworthy.

You'll never in life find a shield maiden more worthy of guarding your earth circle than she.

-Clerk Embrawk Hematite of The Respeledent Quail Merchanting Company and The Order of the New Moon, Gate Keeper of the Totems of Maelstrome, honorary member of Clan Stonefist and sole adopted hire of Ior Stonefist

but my friends and allies call me Embrawk, I hope you'll do the same.

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