A new world


There was a brisk, cool wind fluttering against my back. My father's words fell against my ears like they did when I was a child, never harsh, but full of wisdom and strength he embodied on a daily basis. I ordered the men on the deck to fall the sail, trim the lines, and set the compass to the middle sea to reach our destination in haste. Most of the crew didn't know the current we had found ourselves in, and the few who knew of it's existence simply didn't believe it could be found so quickly.

But in my travel through the sea I wasn't alone. No, I was never alone. Stephan looked at me with bright eyes as he patted my shoulder and when I asked him if things would ever be the same, he simply replied "As always they were". He smiled as he usually did, and I knew that the task set before us by the three circles would be an undertaking of noteworthy tales.

The sea air kept my mind from drifting too far, but I knew Aleria and Kavin were watching us. Our family had found itself a home within itself, and the hordes of the Orimir would never again be able to breach the sanctity of our defenses. This time, war was without suffering or pain, it was simple and clean, just like it was when my father described it to his troops.

I asked Stephan if he felt anything different and I knew the answer before his words broke the rhythmic beat of the waves breaking upon the bow of the ship. His eyes told me this was the last quest he would share with me, and that I would be carrying his spirit with me on a voyage only our family could take.

"Never turn south my friend" were the last words he uttered before I woke.
