A public forum on Magic Theory


Starting Thursday from 11am to 2pm, experts on Magic are invited to gather at the Meeting Hall in Tarndale to discuss Magic Theory with those that have a desire to learn. Both the general public of Tarndale and folks that traveled from Andar may come and learn from these experts at their leisure. Attendance of these forums is not a requirement and is solely voluntary.

These public forums will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 11am to 2pm in the Tarndale Meeting Hall as weather and other obligations permit.

The skills to use magic will not be taught at these forums. Only the theory and application of magic will be discussed for those curious about its function and naive of the dangers. This may include field trips to explain the function of the Circles of Power, possibly demonstrate offensive magic on captured aggressive beasts such as the Lizards or Spiders of the area, and maybe even show Ritual Magic should an opportunity arise.

If an expert for a particular type of magic that you are interested in is not at these forums the other experts will be able to, at the very least, direct you to the best place to find them.

Alavatar Peece
Guildmaster of the Brotherhood of the Star