A Quick Meeting


Chicago Staff
Adventurers of Shademarch,

It's been a long while since we last gathered, and I'd like to take a few moments to speak to you all at the beginning of market to discuss things that may be occurring and disclose any information or findings people have gathered over the last few months. The more information we share with each other the less surprises we encounter later.

- Druid Asher
You may wish to let those of us not there what you have to say. Though I wish to attend I am to far away to come even if I wish.


Me have some things for share about develop of trade in last year and next step plan for this year.

-Cho Ko Nu
Indeed, I believe I will have some things to share as well.
Lets have a gathering of all adventurers in the area as soon as possible at the tavern (if not otherwise declared).
I am particularly interested in seeing our newer people there.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon