A Rally Speech to the Warbands of Wayside


Selunari Warbands of Wayside,

On this night I said goodbye to my children, brother, and a handful of caravan members for what, in my mind, is ze last time I vill see them. My heart aches beyond measure, so imagine my anguish at hearing zhat you, my cousins of race and blood chose to flee. My kin were ze only deserters of all ze people fighting right now. You, ze warriors of our people who were called upon for help in ze darkest hour we as adventurers have ever faced.

I know full well zhat Wayside has only minimally been exposed to ze corrupt. I make no illusions to ze fact that ze full impact of zhis situation may be hard to comprehend if you have never dealt vith this before, but I can assure you ze reason you have not encountered zhis endless threat sooner is BECAUSE OF ZE ESHDIR YOU RAN FROM. How DARE you, my kin, call zhis a eshdir problem. Ze blood that has been spilled for centuries is selunari just as it is every other race.

You are ze best warriors I know of, ze strongest and proudest we have among our family. I know zhis fight is terrifying, and I know for a fact zhat ze adventurers of Gaden can defeat zhis enemy once and for all. Zhey cannot do it alone. Be an example to all of us. Go back to ze battle and prove to ze other races zhat you are just as powerful, just as dangerous, just as gifted in ze martial talents as any other race. We have one shot to destroy zhis threat once and for all, to stop an enemy so zhat our children vill not have to face it. Our grandchildren will hear of ze corrupt as nothing more zhan legend when we succeed. Turn around and go back to ze battle like ze proud selunari warriors you are.

- Lorelei Hemlocke Miria Amethyst Rudari-Targotian Gallentine ze Rycha Voda
aka Locke, Matron of Ze Rycha Voda
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The battle is over. Not only did you fail in the duty given to you by your own people, you stole from those protecting our people. You turned tail and ran like the cowards you are endangering every single Selunari in these lands. Every Selunari death by the corrupt hands from here on out is on your hands and you will be held accountable. You have betrayed our people and our blood. None of you are welcome in our lands and if you remain I will hunt you down and kill you myself.

Roy Rudari-Targosian-Gallentine
It's alright, Roy. Let's give them some time. Seeing ze corrupt for ze first time can be something zhat shakes a person to their core, and could mean zhey have not been to ze dreaming yet. There are still other places they might show up to help. I know zhey can make a difference, and I know what zhey are capable of. I've fought beside zhem when ze GFW was a threat, helped to evacuate Targotia when ze king went mad and sent salt nodes, and I have seen how zhey give everything they have to a cause. Ze Targotians are ze best warriors ze selunari of wayside have and ze Rudari are powerful diviners. Ze are ze best of ze best, and I have always been proud to carry their names. Ve vill see soon if my faith was misplaced.

We shall see.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade
Well, after 4 daysof holding out hope zhey might change their minds I have lost hope in ze band of cowards returning. I apologize deeply for ze shame my cousins brought in zheir betrayal. I never thought I'd see ze day I'd regret being Rudari-Targotian. Ve will succeed without their help.
