A Report From Pratorak


To our Friends and Allies,

It is expected the below will quickly become common knowledge regards of any attempts to conceal it or prevent it's spread, so we will make no effort to do so.

On the night of the 28th day, of the Third month, of the year 1516, look outs on the current defensive line holding the Eastern Forts of Pratorak reported a great wave of flame that washed over the corrupt hordes, and the land they stood upon. Current estimates report the flame wave to be roughly twice the breadth of the Great River at its largest point.

The Flame, then rose and took on the form of a giant winged lizard, sparkling with waves of magic of aquamarine and topaz like the great river itself it then collapsed back to the ground in a wave of crackling magic.

The end result of this unexpected event? The land lost to the shade's stab, all it's buildings, keeps, homes, farmlands, and corruption that was spreading has been consumed. In it's place a solid shelf of what appears to be obsidian, a glossy black material that can seem as glass, or the hardest of stones depending on it's density and nature.

While no warriors were lost in this attack, and it seems to be such a barrier that the corrupt cannot cross it, the former homes and farm lands of Pratorak are now lost to use forever regardless of the ebb and flow of war. Envoys to the great breadbasket of Roskaria has been sent, as soldiers from the Eastern Defenses are being sent south to reinforce and strengthen the lines against our shared foe.

The Monolithic council asks that whoever has chosen to wield this weapon and magics consider greatly the cost of their use, for a victory over invaders that leaves land unusable is not a strategy that leads to anything but mutual defeat.

In Service,

Minister Two