A Request to All Adventurers


Chicago Staff
Good morrow to all!
As we are but a week away from the opening of Foyer's Creek, I was hoping that those who are to be in attendance could provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Title (if one is applicable):
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable):
The days you will be adventuring:

Your Name: Glenn Stormwolf
Your Title (if one is applicable): None
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): The Company
The days you will be adventuring: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday morn, Saturday afternoon, Sunday

The reason for this request is for dealing with the auction/s that will be occurring throughout the gathering. Normally, we do our best to ensure that everyone is accounted for before each auction of scrolls, items of power, etc. However, we always seem to miss one or two people that are either by themselves, arrived late, had to leave for other various reasons. With this information provided, it can help us double check our listings and provide a better accurate count and split of treasure.
Please respond either to this posting or you can reach me at the roost glennstormwolf at gmail dot com. Thank you for your time!

~Glenn Stormwolf
Guardian of the First Tree
No titles currently
No group currently
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday morning, Saturday, Sunday
Renshi of the School of the Mandrake
The Company
Thursday, Friday Morn, Saturday Afternoon, Sunday
Your Name: Lorelei Beinae
Your Title (if one is applicable): None yet
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Hearthfire
The days you will be adventuring: Wed-Sun
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Your Name: Binar Blooddrinker
Your Title (if one is applicable): Warlord of the Blooddrinker Tribe, Saturnian Journeyman of the Prademar Solar's Guild, Sage of They Who Watch the Borders
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Welcome Club
The days you will be adventuring: I'll arrive Wed evening and will stay through the market faire.
Your Name: Aiden Olrikson
Your Title: No thank you please
Group: Atish Militia
The days you will be adventuring: Wednesday eve, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Franz Firebrand
Phoenix Flight
Wed through Monday. Selling Coffee each morning (and Ice Pops until I run out)
Your Name: Auryn Fairhorn
Your Title (if one is applicable): Margrave of Concord, Wayside
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Hearthfire
The days you will be adventuring: All days, someone has to keep all the cats in line
Your Name: Euthymia
Your Title (if one is applicable): None
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): None
The days you will be adventuring: All the days! (Wed-Sun)
Name: Heinricht Hammer-Forged
Title: I'm just a humble merchant.
Primary Group: none; open to all.
Days Adventuring: Thurs to Sun
Your Name: Lucius Butcher
Your Title (if one is applicable): n/a
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): n/a
The days you will be adventuring: All
Your Name: Tuli
Your Title (if one is applicable): none
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): The Company
The days you will be adventuring: Wednesda, Thursday, Fri Morning, Saturday afternoon, sunday

im NPCing Friday afternoon to Saturday lunchish but did offer to get pulled into other NPC moments if/when needed.
For our group –

Your Name: Lady Kira
Your Title: Lady of Winter, Kosmara
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Halcyon
The days you will be adventuring: Wed-Sun (NPCing Wed night, late Friday)

Your Name: Sir Raganzi
Your Title: Knight of the Silver Blades of Sedovia
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Halcyon
The days you will be adventuring: Wed-Sun (NPCing Wed night, late Friday)

Your Name: Thibidee
Your Title: N/A
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Halcyon
The days you will be adventuring: TBD

Your Name: Sir Kylar
Your Title: Knight of Winter, Kosmara
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Halcyon
The days you will be adventuring: Wed-Sun (NPCing Wed night, late Friday)

Your Name: Dune
Your Title: N/A
The Primary Group you belong to (if one is applicable): Halcyon
The days you will be adventuring: Wed-Sun (NPCing Wed night, late Friday)
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My group

Black Forest

Black Forest

Black Forest

Black Forest