A shift in style.


Those of you who saw me in my shifted form likely already know this, but I find myself encouraged to take a more active role in the town's battles as of late. Indeed proactively protecting those in town who I can help, eases the half of myself that is more...newly ingrained. To this end I wish for better organization of the town, but I think perhaps my upcoming request is not the one many would expect. I am generally a studious man by nature, and combat tactics have never been something I have bothered myself with, generally I sit in the back and cast what healing I can, this will no longer due. To that end I am seeking those who had a good amount of experience on the battle field to request that, if you have time to spare it, you would help instruct me in battlefield tactics, as my understanding needs to progress beyond 'hey you get on the other side of it and we'll both hit it!'

Ideally I would like to meet during the next market day, perhaps just after my ritual casting I have planned, that should be done fairly immediately after my arrival. Please note, it is not my intention to lead in battle, but instead to encourage those that are leading to do so proactively, with an eye on all facets of the field. To often those with vital knowledge do not share it, as was well exhibited this past market day, and it is my belief that supporting our current leaders, encouraging them, and spreading/reinforcing their orders on the battlefield will save lives.

I look forward to those willing to spend the time to bring this poor scholar's understanding of battle up to a more acceptable level for one who resides in Wayside, and to helping where I can to not just deal with the results of battle injuries, but perhaps learn to prevent them a bit more proactively.

In Service,
-Enan Bluewater.
Enan Bluewater,

I am glad that you have taken this next step.

Sera FallingStar