A Spiritual Journey to Rathfall


Chicago Staff
Greeting Adventurers,

I am excited to participate in the festivities surrounding the Wedding Ceremony and all things Rathfall. From what I have been told there is an entire town of spirits?!! That's incredible. With permission from those overseeing this town I have been granted a task I could of only dreamed of achieving in Gavaria! I shall be performing a Mass Spirit Farewell. As I understand Spirits are not moving on to the afterlife they certainly just need the expertise of a certain Speaker of the Dead to send them off.

As much as I would love to venture alone for hours and set up a 2nd home in this town I will be requiring a group of a dozen or so highly capable people to engage with these spirits while steps are being taken on my end. I heard many of engaged with them prior so you should know their strengths and weaknesses. I'll just need you to deal with them; be it talking them down or dispatching them, whatever means works until I am able to send them off.

Now given a certain curse in the area it may not work, it may work. Either way I am all too excited to give it a shot!

I look forward to seeing lands beyond the peninsula!

Veronica Silver
Royal Court Healer of Gavaria, Speaker of the Dead
Oh yeah...that place...

Will we need to obtain Corpse Lights to venture inside or is there another plan to gain access?

-Astraea ☆
ill halp you out and i thenk i have the scorll that you can use

The plan currently is venture to the outskirts of said area and draw the spirits outs. We should not need any Corpse Lights or illegal means of access as we will not be going directly into the heart of the area. A very valid concern though.

- Veronica
i have illumination/darkness scorll