Home? Am I home? The land feels familiar, the scent on the wind is comforting, but something is wrong. The familiar faces are hanging, submissive, and I do not understand. These once proud people are walking in line, quietly, orderly. Their work is efficient, and all the familiar faces show deference. Something is very, very wrong.
Suddenly the orderly lines, filing from one place to the next part... and the people stand to the side, their heads hang low, submissively, without a word. I can see him in the distance, the tall man with darkness swirling around him. Even in the daylight, his red eyes glow. His voice echoes across the plains, off the walls of the village: Dissonance. I step to the side, blending in, hanging my head slightly, but keeping my eyes on him as he walks.
A shadow is traveling up the road behind him; something is blocking out the very sun. I cannot look up without betraying my presence, but I can see clearly the outline of the shadow: a raptor with a monumental wingspan. It does not circle, it does not dive... it is no longer wild, but merely following the Dark Man. Something is very, very wrong.
I do my best to hang back, and I try to follow Dissonance and the bird which must still be flying above him. Suddenly, there is no noise, no familiar smells on the wind. I look up, and I am in a mostly empty field. A bird of prey, fiercely staring at me, throws itself repeatedly against the confines of its iron cage. Upon trying to identify the lock, I find a brightly colored and flashing puzzle with many numbers, a complex lock that seems oddly familiar… almost like a game I’d played before but forgotten. I manage to solve the puzzle with simple arithmetic, and open the cage, jumping back quickly to avoid the flashing talons as the bird screeches a cry of war, suddenly sporting a type of battle armor and changing shape as it flies…. immediately out as though preparing to engage a foe. I watch it continue to change… can that really be a flying lion?... and disappear into the sun, until I am blinded by the brightness of the light.
- Brandr of the Misfits
Suddenly the orderly lines, filing from one place to the next part... and the people stand to the side, their heads hang low, submissively, without a word. I can see him in the distance, the tall man with darkness swirling around him. Even in the daylight, his red eyes glow. His voice echoes across the plains, off the walls of the village: Dissonance. I step to the side, blending in, hanging my head slightly, but keeping my eyes on him as he walks.
A shadow is traveling up the road behind him; something is blocking out the very sun. I cannot look up without betraying my presence, but I can see clearly the outline of the shadow: a raptor with a monumental wingspan. It does not circle, it does not dive... it is no longer wild, but merely following the Dark Man. Something is very, very wrong.
I do my best to hang back, and I try to follow Dissonance and the bird which must still be flying above him. Suddenly, there is no noise, no familiar smells on the wind. I look up, and I am in a mostly empty field. A bird of prey, fiercely staring at me, throws itself repeatedly against the confines of its iron cage. Upon trying to identify the lock, I find a brightly colored and flashing puzzle with many numbers, a complex lock that seems oddly familiar… almost like a game I’d played before but forgotten. I manage to solve the puzzle with simple arithmetic, and open the cage, jumping back quickly to avoid the flashing talons as the bird screeches a cry of war, suddenly sporting a type of battle armor and changing shape as it flies…. immediately out as though preparing to engage a foe. I watch it continue to change… can that really be a flying lion?... and disappear into the sun, until I am blinded by the brightness of the light.
- Brandr of the Misfits