A timely chat...

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Its dark.
Rain batters at the inhabitants of the Parsons Breach Outpost.
A call comes from out side the gate to have it open, and three riders enter through a postern gate. The first dismounts and tosses his reins to a stable boy, pulling his cloak tight aganst the rain. He speaks with the other two and with warriors shake, the two figures stride off towards the barraks, a glimpse of the baby blue and white can be seen as the wind tugs at their cloaks.

The third figure heads toward Artie's little brew house, knowing full well where his Corpral would be on this Fate forsaken night.
Aengus enters the taven and pulls back his hood, revealing a new Scar across his face. "Wench! brin' me Wine, an' leave the bottle." he takes a seat by the fire and warms his hands, waiting for the Klangnor to present himself.
Klanganore makes his way in the torential rain to his second favorite places, aside from his bed, the inn. As he walks into the inn he notes Aengus sitting in the inn and makes his way over to him. "Greetings lad you look like hell." looking him over he asks, "How went the patrol?"
Aengus looks up as his corporal walks in and greets him. A small smile crosses his face as he pores Klangnor a glass and hands it over. "T'was damn'd hell, my friend. We rode north, ta some o' the outlying farms. Corporal Datson and five others, me'self included." he pauses to take a swig of the wine in his hand. "T'was nat, three days ago that we came across a homestead, burn' and chard. The Corporal, in all his wisdom, sends us in to look for survive'urs. Though i kne'w that none were to be found, I was not expecting to find the Bloody, Damned Gnolls!! Eight their were! and bloody blue thang as well!" Another swig was needed to countinue the story.
"We fought har'd. As har'd as we could, but when poor Jonas fell, and then Mart Ann... we'll I knew we had to leave, as did the Corporal." Aengus looks off past Klangnors shoulder and then gives his head a shake. in a more somber tone, " We rode 'ard as we could. but the bastards cam on after us. The Corporal bit it just yesterday morn', when we was to break camp. I even took a blow from that Blue Devil wat chased us!" he points to the red vally of scar on his cheack.

"I di'n not know how you can do it, Klang. How can you willfuly wear this tabard when tha' man it fights for sits on his throne and hides behind the Skirts o' a mage?"

Aengus lowers his head and shakes his hair, still damp from the rain.
hey guys hate to break this up, but you have to STOP affecting the enviroment. we let the "torential rain" pass as it was raining a bit this week, but we are in "real time" so unless it's been raining in the last day or so, you cannot say that.

Who is Cpl Datson? PLOT has never added this person. How did you get a horse? PLOT has never issued them. Some died? NOPE!
You can ONLY state what your character is doing. You must wait for other action of other players if you are interating. If you character is off doing something else (like poor Klanger who was in the inn, then at the forge, now back at the inn the player needs to wait until you finish one conversation (or forum thread) before you can come in and continue a new one)

Sorry guys. this is beyond what your characters (and players) can state they are doing. I love the story, but it's past where it can go and the thread will be locked.
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