A word from Prince Malidor


To the people of the Outpost,

It is with great sadness and hesitation that I write this. I have just received word that the new Baron of Litimore has officially declared war on our region. And while we all knew this day would be coming, I personally feel like I could have done something to slow this disastrous situation from happening. But now is not the time for regrets. Now is the time to prepare.

To those who can read this or listen, do not despair! The misery that has come to our doorstep is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of a man who fears what he does not understand. Know that the hate of one man will pass. And he will die. And the power he and his kind have taken from the people, shall be returned.

Adventurers! Don't give in to these brutes! These people who despite your intentions, would control you! Enslave you! Who command you and force you what to think, what to feel! Who assault you, treat you like cattle, and use you as cannon fodder! Do not play into their evil machinations! You are not cattle! You are of free mind and free will! You have the love of life in your hearts. You don't hate. Only the unloved hate. The unloved and the unnatural.

People of this Outpost! Do not fight for the idea of profit or wealth, but instead fight for freedom and justice! Together we will stand up to this villainy and we will triumph! For we are not one man, woman, or child. Nay! We are a group of people, a community, that has the power to stop this evil dead in its tracks. We have that power! The power to defeat this corruption. The power to create happiness! You the people of this outpost have the power to make this life free and beautiful. To make this life a wonderful adventure! Let us unite in this vision and push these vile and corrupt tyrants back to where they come from!

Prince Malidor Ironbeard