Acarthia Times: Call for Submissions, Guild/Org Notes


Submissions deadline: April 9th Wednesday, May 14th
From the ADVERTISEMENTS section of the Acarthia Times (N. Acarthia Edition):

Reporters wanted!

The Acarthian Times wants your articles, interviews, and letters! Write and submit an article for the newspaper. We pay 5 cp minimum for accepted articles, and more for superior reporting. Send articles via herald to the Acarthia Times, attention of Cara Quillion.

Out of game, just email your newspaper articles to me (Dani). Payment will be delivered in game at the event the article is published at (with the some-time exception of the Faire Days... in other words, people who submitted articles for the January 414 edition, you'll get your payment at the April event, but people who submit articles for the April 414 edition will get their payment at the April event).

I'm looking for all sorts of articles. If it would fit into an actual newspaper, it'll fit into the Acarthia Times. In-character interviews, special interest essays (e.g.: on crafting, or on fighting, or on the art of war, or on healing, etc), tourism articles about a specific location, news write-ups or reports, historical notes, cultural articles... anything interesting!

If you are the leader of an in-game guild or organization, please submit any relevant guild announcements for the GUILDS section of the paper. This might mean items you're looking for, services your guild offers, announcements of new members, membership elevations, etc.

If you'd like to advertise in the ADVERTISEMENTS section of the Acarthia Times, 1 copper buys you 30 words of an advertisement. Payment generally preferred in advance, though we can say that you paid in advance already in-between games and you can get me the payment at Logistics. (Put it in an envelope, write a note, give it to Mac, something like that, if you can't find me directly.)
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Submissions deadline for the next edition: Wednesday, May 14. The original post (above) otherwise still applies.
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