ACO Season 1 Dates Now Released!


Colorado Staff
Hello, everyone ! Our team has been hard at work for the last couple of months, and as winter turns to even more winter, we’re exciting to be dropping the announcement you’ve all been waiting for - We have dates confirmed for ACO’s Season 1! As Chiaroscuria crumbles and our heroes flee before the storm, the stage is set for a season of discovery in a whole new world - and perhaps the redemption of a little more of the old, thanks to an additional stash of Time Amber. This year, we are aiming to host a total of four full weekend events, plus one day game!

Our season opens on April 18-20 with a weekend Sky High Ranch! Following that, we’ll be returning to Camp Tumbleson Lake for a tentative day game on the 18th of May, and two confirmed weekend events on August 15-17 and September 12-14. Finally, we’re aiming to cap the season off with one last weekend event in October - this event is also tentative, and the date is very much TBD. Over the next couple of weeks, expect a veritable blitz of posts, blogs, and information - We’ve been doing a LOT of work over the winter, and now that we have dates, we’re going to hit the ground running. Coming tomorrow: a blog with even more details about our event schedule, plus some exciting news like new open staff positions, over the winter IBGAs, and more!

Keep your eyes to the void, adventurers… the end is coming soon, and with it, new beginnings.


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