I am creating a different thread for this since the topic was touched on in the thread regarding the changes to bind and I think it warrants its own discussion.
I am a playtest coordinator for the Denver chapter. I am receiving an overwhelming amount of feedback from our play testers who are upset because they do not feel that their critical feedback is being properly considered. I cannot think of a single piece of negative feedback that has been posted on this forum that has not been met with stiff resistance and in many cases this has caused an argument where the play tester is told they are wrong.
I don't think the burden of proof should lie on our play testers to prove that their feedback and concerns are valid. If our play testers don't like a change, regardless of the reason, they should not be forced to defend their stance against owners ARC or other players. We are asking them to provide honest feedback and when that feedback is critical, it is being attacked.
I would propose that rather than players having to defend their criticism, that ARC and the owners should be the ones who have to defend the reasoning behind their changes to the player base. The game as is works, we have decades of evidence and thousands of hours played proving the system is at least functional as is. Could improvements be made? Absolutely.
We have very little evidence proving that the new rules work and improve the game. The entire process from inception has been flawed because everything was decided upon behind closed doors by a few people without asking for any feedback from most of the player base.
Now that the rules have finally been presented to the players the burden of proof has been shifted to us to prove that they are not warranted and should not be included. This is the opposite of how things should be done. The burden of proof should fall on the owners and ARC to prove to the player base that a change is warranted, is safe, and improves the game overall. If we ask for a reason why a change has been made and how it improves the game, we deserve a convincing answer, and if a convincing answer cannot be provided, then the rule should be scrapped.
The burden of proof should not fall on us to provide overwhelming negative feedback. Instead a change should only be implemented if it receives overwhelming positive feedback from a majority of the player base.
If no changes are made to the process and if our feedback is continually met with hostility and criticism, I do not feel comfortable continuing to ask our play testers to come out and spend their valuable time testing this system. The general consensus is that these rules are going to be pushed through regardless of what we say and any criticism will be met with hostility.
I am a playtest coordinator for the Denver chapter. I am receiving an overwhelming amount of feedback from our play testers who are upset because they do not feel that their critical feedback is being properly considered. I cannot think of a single piece of negative feedback that has been posted on this forum that has not been met with stiff resistance and in many cases this has caused an argument where the play tester is told they are wrong.
I don't think the burden of proof should lie on our play testers to prove that their feedback and concerns are valid. If our play testers don't like a change, regardless of the reason, they should not be forced to defend their stance against owners ARC or other players. We are asking them to provide honest feedback and when that feedback is critical, it is being attacked.
I would propose that rather than players having to defend their criticism, that ARC and the owners should be the ones who have to defend the reasoning behind their changes to the player base. The game as is works, we have decades of evidence and thousands of hours played proving the system is at least functional as is. Could improvements be made? Absolutely.
We have very little evidence proving that the new rules work and improve the game. The entire process from inception has been flawed because everything was decided upon behind closed doors by a few people without asking for any feedback from most of the player base.
Now that the rules have finally been presented to the players the burden of proof has been shifted to us to prove that they are not warranted and should not be included. This is the opposite of how things should be done. The burden of proof should fall on the owners and ARC to prove to the player base that a change is warranted, is safe, and improves the game overall. If we ask for a reason why a change has been made and how it improves the game, we deserve a convincing answer, and if a convincing answer cannot be provided, then the rule should be scrapped.
The burden of proof should not fall on us to provide overwhelming negative feedback. Instead a change should only be implemented if it receives overwhelming positive feedback from a majority of the player base.
If no changes are made to the process and if our feedback is continually met with hostility and criticism, I do not feel comfortable continuing to ask our play testers to come out and spend their valuable time testing this system. The general consensus is that these rules are going to be pushed through regardless of what we say and any criticism will be met with hostility.