Adventurers and Imperial Citizens in the demesne of Fury Falls...

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
Adventurers and Imperial Citizens in the demesne of Fury Falls,

It has come to our attention that the right of law and order has not been consistently maintained of late. We are most grieved that our guests and our people should suffer any further and we wish to clarify and make amends to resolve this error, offering to you acceptable conditions for all.

As our population is much diminished and our forces stretched to the limit, we wish to offer proper wardenship of Fury Falls to the Adventurers and locals therein. This wardenship would still fall under the rule of the District authorities and Imperial Law but be enacted by those closest to the issue. In order to bring stability to this region, we ask that each group elect among their own one representative to act upon an Assembly to oversee activity and governance. The unaffiliated Adventurers shall call upon themselves and elect a citizen and an alternate to act as their representative. The local populace shall also have a voice upon this Assembly and they shall have two seats for persons elected of them.

On the morn of the day of Order, the local populace and any present Adventurers shall be able to convene for an Assembly to address the day-to-day issues of the area. These issues shall be listened to and decided upon if they are of a mundane or trivial nature before a gather commences. If the issue is of concern to more than the immediate populace, the issue shall be recorded and discussed at an Assembly of the gathered Adventurers and locals on the morn of the day of Death. On the day of Death, the Assembly shall meet to discuss and address issues of governance and law, allowing for the discussion of pertinent issues affecting the locals and Adventuring community alike. The District shall send a representative to hear their decisions and give agreement or suggestion to maintain accordance with the laws of the Empire. At this time, the Assembly will also hear petitions or needs of the people, as presented by the day of Order Assembly members, thus assisting in the functioning of the area in which they reside or in which have become visitors. Should an incident occur that requires an additional meeting on the day of Life, the Assembly shall be charged to call forth its members and conduct business directly to the issue, with all due speed and diligence in order to resolve the concern or dispute.

It is understood that the Assembly may have familiar faces upon it as well as alternating persons seated in representation, we wish to afford this right of order in this manner that all may have opportunity for equal participation under the law.

In cases of law and justice, the Assembly shall act as representatives of truth and garner evidence to make a collection of fact for consideration. Such an assortment of abilities among the local and guest populace should allow for the basic facts of a case to be discerned and the Assembly’s judgment to be committed. Whereupon the Assembly shall make sentence, they should then call for an Imperial Mercy Sword to hear their judgment and with the right of Imperial Law give sentence and execution of justice. If no evidence is found to support the allegations, the person should be rightfully set free. This order does not give the right of unlawful detention or abuse for use by an Assembly.

Should such call for justice or offense to citizen or visitor occur, the Assembly will have right to subdue the prisoner within reason and shall ensure that no physical, mental, or magical abuse shall be perpetrated against the prisoner while in custody. No Assembly member may elect or call forth another non-elected person to restrain, question, or abuse the accused. The burden of leadership, law, and order shall fall to those elected to this station. All rights must be afforded the aggrieved and accused until commitment of judgment and sentence. Should Imperial officers, gentry, or magistrates come to this region; the Assembly will act as counsel for them but will be required to relinquish their immediate leadership to the higher authority. District authorities and gentry shall afford all courtesy and open communication to the Assembly, should the Imperial office need to be called forth for governance or oversight.

The Districts and Empire give these rights in trust to the demesne of Fury Falls. We offer such in hope that their example may serve as a model to our struggling people and remote towns. We hope that peace, law, and order may be restored to all our citizens and visitors. We dream that this opportunity is properly cultivated and the fruits of labor produced from this are able to reaffirm and stabilize our lands, restore our citizens’ pride and reignite the glory of our most wondrous Empire.

Our Empire is great because our people are great; we are strong, we will survive our poverty, and we will strive to be a haven of liberty and peace for our people and for all of Barran.

Hail the Glorious Empire! Hail to our Imperial Citizens!

This order is so decreed by
The Emperor and the Council of Betters