Alaska update!


hey all! i'm trying to keep an eye on the boards but we have this problem up here... out local phone lines keep going out so we can;t get internet access! thats what happens when the closets town is 15 miles away!

but Alaska is beautiful!
i was wondering... does anyone have any ideas about things that monster camp/NERO needs/could use that i could get in Alaska? and no i am not going to go beat up a bear to bring back... and i'm not going to go run over a baby moose... (it happened last year!)

but anyways this is mostly to say hi to everyone! and let you know that if anyone DOES need to get a hold of me... my contact info for the lodge is on my LJ and i would LOVE to get letters and pictures!

everyone have an awsome summer and have fun at the game days!
Things made out of alaskan clay, already fired. The cheap and legal alaskan ivory. And there are a number of crafted things around that you might be able to get cheap, also sometimes cheap furs, depending on where in alaska you go.
from what i have seen it happen ever day some thing getts ran over...but it is all Alaskan thing.... *hehehehehehehehe*
Hey Anna,

Tired of the sun Yet?

Whatch out for those sly little foxes too. THey like big dumpsters.

Yes I know they have more than 365 Moose kills a year that means a moose a day is hit somewhere in Alaska. Sorry for that info. The reality is the road kills are donated to churches etc. and distributed to those in need.

Check out the second hand stores for ideas. sometimes things are chaper than here. They have alot of used fur products up there.

Enjoy yourself and bring back a smile and a tan for all of us in the rainy city.