Alliance for Newbies


Hello all! I've been working on a completely unofficial, n00b-friendly companion to the official Alliance LARP Rule Book which I've appropriately titled "Alliance for Newbies."

It is, of course, veeeeeeeeeeeery far from finished, but I'd like to put what little I have written out there for any of you who would like to review, comment, critique, offer advice, etc.

I am also looking for some co-writers because I know my limited experience in Alliance (only 3 events under my belt as of right now) doesn't give me perspective on other nuances that other first-timers might have encountered when they began LARPing.

I like it. This is nice and simple. My concern about writing something else than the official rulebook has always been that we would not want people to not use the rulebook and also that if the unofficial document was to be abandoned that could cause some confusion in game.

Nevermind about the spell slot my memory was incorrect.
Nevermind about the spell slot my memory was incorrect.

Glad I came back to check your note when I went to write an editing comment on the manual, I didn't see you had edited this right away! :) Thank you.
Sorry about that. I realised I was off after rereading what I had written. I think a simplified version of the basic rules as you have prepared could be great for beginners. The rulebook is good but I am sure we could gain from having something simpler for people to get started with. However, they should still read all of the rules otherwise they will feel lost facing spells and other part of the game.
I think a simplified version of the basic rules as you have prepared could be great for beginners. The rulebook is good but I am sure we could gain from having something simpler for people to get started with. However, they should still read all of the rules otherwise they will feel lost facing spells and other part of the game.

Oh, I absolutely agree. There are a few places already, and a number of places I'm sure in the future, where I flat-out say, "I'm not addressing this here, please read the actual rule book."
I liked this. I hope this gets an update as 2.0 is solidified. :3

1.3 is a meaty book and a lot of information just isn't needed for newbies, such as how to play Alliance as a tabletop. (I find that section irksome, as it would be a delightful supplement but isn't needed in the main texts) Yes, I'd love to know about 80th level magic for 10 years down the road when I can cast it, but I don't need that info out the gates. Same thing for the spreadsheet of Weapon prof/ crit strikes. A limited scope of the game for what they "CAN" do and hints at the road map for their characters respective classes. A baby steps booklet to ease you into the tome that is the current rule book is a great idea. Well done!

Side tangent: Going into the 2.0 ruleset with the standard "Everyone is level 2", makes the book pretty easy to lay out, moving forward. Write to the audience, which is assumed to be new and starting at 2nd level. Giving example level 2 builds of the various classes. Give insight, or anecdotes, from other players to the usefulness or effective scenarios a power could be used. Make it a real collaborative package for newbies.

Then after they have their first character on paper, they can migrate to the full book. And if they still have questions; Player reps and forums are the place to go.
I like it. I added a note about Dark Elves no longer allowing to have black paint.

Have you had a chance to look at the 2.0 packet? Because is going to be coming in the next coming months, and might be nice to get ahead of that.
I don't know if you saw my comment back LOL but I haven't looked in this in so long... It would be nice to revisit it for the 2.0 packet though. Traverse City and South Michigan have been running 2.0 events since the fall so I'm relatively familiar with it, and I'm also trying to train up a group of new larpers. Anyone that wants to help me at it is welcome to do so, I will definitely give them full permissions.

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That is 100% my fault. I saw the 'Feb 19th' date, didn't see "2018". The new comment from Kinen threw me off lol.
Yeah but I'm still grateful you both too because now it's got my interest in new edits peaked again :D

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For what it's worth, we are trying to get two books done for 2.0. One will be a rules book with just the rules in it. The other will be the full book with photos and other world fluff in it or sections like how to role play and so on.

"Trying" is an operative word here. This is not a promise, but it is a goal.
This is great! It looks like it's shaping up to be a good resource to use in addition to the main book.

I'm actually doing similar for Chicago(though not so much a "cheat" book as a program to help support beginning players), and building up some basic build cheat cards for new players to use, as a way to illustrate what that beginning build can look like.

I'm going to come back to this after work, and see if I have anything further to add. This looks great so far. :)
This sounds like a lot of people are cooking the same dish. Mayhaps a collaboration of efforts? Not sure the differences enough between chapters, but rather not see people get burned out on a extra resource alone. Since there seems to be a renewed interest and all. This seems like it'd be really useful and helpful, clearly as many are independently working on this.

I'd be willing to help out, but since I'm a newbie I feel I might miss something. But I have a can-do attitude and I'm a good hype-man.

And Durnic, your efforts are very appreciated, as with all of yours are. This just seems like something that has been a long time coming and now with the 2.0 ball rolling is something to capitalize on from various levels of commitment from players and staff. Maybe a temporary discord/g-drive to collaborate? Just spit-balling...

I am very excited for what is to come either way! Keep up the good work all! :D
I'd be willing to help out, but since I'm a newbie I feel I might miss something. But I have a can-do attitude and I'm a good hype-man.

It bears mentioning that when I started this project, I was myself a self-professed uber-newbie, having only attended three events ever. The fresh newbie point-of-view is I think very integral to understanding, "what does someone that has little to no experience with LARP, need to know?"

If anyone wants to collaborate on this project, please private message me an email address and I will share editing privileges with you. As you can see it is currently on Google Drive. :)