Alliance Gettysburg Staff

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Gettysburg Staff
Hi everybody!

At present the staff for Alliance Gettysburg is:

Rich Ditzler - Owner *
Mandy Sevetsky - GM *
David Van Ness - AGM *
Emily Desmarais - Head of Plot *
Collin Babcock - Head of Rules *
Robb Graves - Head of Promotions
Tyson Weise - Head of Logistics
Chad Winters - Head of Food Committee
Amanda Wells - Head of Wardrobe
Angel Belford - Primary Medical

* - Acting as Marshals

This posting will be updated as needed. If you have any questions regarding the list please contact me via PM or use the other contacts listed on the boards.
Hi everyone!

It's my pleasure and privilege to announce Alliance Gettysburg's 2013 Plot Staff

Emily Desmarais - Head of Plot
David Van Ness - AHoP & AGM
Kelly Allard - Plot Adjunct
Dustin Crewell - Plot Adjunct
Alex Gonchorova - Plot Adjunct
Nicole Angelo - Plot Adjunct
Kris Kitts - Plot Adjunct

and also

Rich Ditzler - Guild project
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