Alliance LARP NH 2023 Event Schedule


New Hampshire Staff
All events for the 2023 season will use the most recent version of the 2.1 Rules Set.

While 2.1 is not the live version of the rules:

Deaths will not be counted and characters will be allowed to spirit forge for the duration of any event(s) attended.

Characters should be registered in the regular CMA for the events in order to gain event experience and add to treasure policy totals.

Characters must be made in the Beta CMA in order to ensure the 2.1 rules were applied to its stat card. Make 2.1 characters for these events using the same amount of build or less than the character registered in the regular CMA. Also register the character, made using these guidelines, for the event within the Beta CMA to ensure that NH staff can access your 2.1 character card.


Our event pricing policy.

Payments can be made here.

Event schedule:
Other events may be added to this schedule and this post will be updated if that happens.

The following event will take place in Unity, New Hampshire at the Unity Town Fire Station. 5 N Hedgehog Hill Rd., Unity NH.

Cinderfel: March 11th (10 AM - 4 PM)

All of the following events will take place in Unity, New Hampshire at 964 2nd NH Turnpike. This site is located past the Unity Fire Station on the right, just after the 50 mph sign when coming from Claremont NH.

The Isle: April 29th

Cinderfel: May 19th - May 21st

The Isle: June 17th

Cinderfel: June 30th - July 2nd

The Isle: July 28th - July 30th

Cinderfel: August 25th - August 27th

The Isle: September 9th

Cinderfel: September 29th - October 1st

The Isle: October 27th - October 29th

Event Pricing:

Weekend Event: $65

One Day Event: $45

Weekend Pay-No-Play: $10

One Day Pay-No-Play: $6

Get a $15 discount on a 2 day event, or a $10 discount on a 1 day event, by prepaying and completing all other pre-registration steps prior to two weeks before that event.



CMA Registration:

Beta Freeplay for character creation:

Player Age Restrictions

About the Site(s)

Unity NH:
The events take place in a wooded area with some swampy sections and some paths. The site is currently under development. Porta-Johns will be available on site until a restroom is built. There is a "Tavern" structure within the game area to be used as a central gathering point for characters. This structure has a heater installed in it.

The site does not have player-accessible electricity, refrigeration, or methods of heating food. Coolers can stay shaded just like tents.
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Ooo, March 11 is a legit "Winter Feast" event day!! Aahh yay, so cool!! :D