Alliance Raleigh Initial Fund Raiser

Greetings, I just wanted to make sure that the other chapters would still be applying their goblin stamps at some point? I have only received my stamps from Raleigh.
Greetings, I just wanted to make sure that the other chapters would still be applying their goblin stamps at some point? I have only received my stamps from Raleigh.
Thanks for letting us know! I'll reach out to the other chapters to make sure those get processed!
Please note the bonus add on for donations that come in for our final 2 months of our fundraiser!

Build a baddie bonus add on.

Contributors that donate at least $25 dollars between November and December will be able to work with our plot team to design a monster/bad guy. For contributions with multiples of $25 you can build a monster/bad guy squad with multiple cards. How it works is you'll be reached out to by our plot team for a general description/idea of the bad guy which we will then convert into an Alliance legal card that will be submitted for inclusion in the national database. You will also get a personal copy and a copy will be sent to your local chapter in case they want to use it.

Our plot staff with then place that monster/race/group into the world of Hearthglen as we finish our build out so folks will be able to encounter them in game. In additional the first time your monster idea appears (or is planned to appear) you will be given credit in the pre-reg posting for that event an example line for this might look like "This event features monsters submitted by Joe Larper, and Susie Shortswords"
Thanks everyone for your support, we are now moving into the last month of our fundraiser and a very appreciative of all donations so far!
Thanks for everyone that donated, please note donations will be done at 12:01 AM Jan 1st of 2022 Eastern Time. We'll be doing the raffle that day and contacting the winners. Please watch your e-mail as if your name is drawn more than once we'll need you to choose your prize so we can alert the alternate winners.
Updated for the last time before we close, thanks to everyone for getting us well over half way to our goal!
Good afternoon and happy holidays: I received matching goblins from the Chicago chapter but am still waiting on Goblin Stamps from Raleigh Denver and New Hampshire. When will my account be updated? Thank you: David
Good afternoon and happy holidays: I received matching goblins from the Chicago chapter but am still waiting on Goblin Stamps from Raleigh Denver and New Hampshire. When will my account be updated? Thank you: David
We are currently working on finalizing the last paper work, you should see you Raleigh goblins now, and we'll be posting a list of the majority of raffle winners by the end of the night (there are a few folks that need to let us know which of the potential prizes they won they want)
Here are the raffle results, if you are on this list you should already see the Raleigh side of any reward granted. For those items listed pending it means someone won more than one prize and needs to choose which they wish to claim, alternate winners for the choice they don't select have already been pulled and recorded, we'll update you when we know!

$100 dollar gift card to Gargoyle Forge ( - Nathan M.
Turtle Friend(and potential friend) - Durl Shellshield (Dave’s personal character) will fly out to an event of your choice (schedule permitting) and be excited to hang out and help you with your endeavors. - Brad K.
Celestial Friend(s) - Crescent (Jessica’s Personal character) will fly out to an event of your choice (schedule permitting) and be excited to hang out and help you with your endeavors. - David B.
48 Dragon Stamps - Timothy C.
24 Dragon Stamps - Ike S.
24 Dragon Stamps - Sam S.
24 Dragon Stamps - Chris F.
12 Dragon Stamps - Josh P.
12 Dragon Stamps - Ian J.
6 Dragon Stamps. - Bryce K.
240 Goblin Stamp Bonus (in all 4 chapters) - Jerrod W.
240 Goblin Stamp Bonus (in all 4 chapters) - Stephen D.
120 Goblin Stamp Bonus (in all 4 chapters) - Susan P.
120 Goblin Stamp Bonus (in all 4 chapters) - John L.
60 Goblin Stamp Bonus (in all 4 chapters) - David E.
60 Goblin Stamp bonus (in all 4 chapters) - Bobby W.
Raleigh Great Season Booster (Local or Remote) - Michael S.
Raleigh Great Season Booster (Local or Remote) - Robert E.
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When will we be contacted about building a monster?
When will we be contacted about building a monster?
We'll be reaching out this week about the build a monster promotion, we are very excited to see what people come up with!
E-mails have been sent out for the Build a baddie bonus, if you didn't get yours and should have please let us know at