Alliance Rulebook 2.1 Draft 5


Alliance Owner
2.1 Draft 5 rulebook can be downloaded from:

This version brings us one step closer to a final release! It should contain fixes to all identified items in the previous thread, but if you do find any new issues please report them here.

Outside of that, effort going forward will be towards adding additional pictures and potentially some minor wording changes.

I would like to thank the Docs team for the huge amount of work they put into this.
The rulebook has no references whatsoever to Paging, Pages, orange headbands, etc.

Also, while a white headband is mentioned as something to put on when you dissipate, a white headband meaning that a player is out-of-game is not defined anywhere in the rulebook. A hand/weapon on the head for the same purpose is also not defined.
Can't find mention of anything similar to "A player can challenge an NPC and request to see the documentation," as per player's guide pg. 48 and to some extent 62.
Page 84: Using potions
Is it the intent of the new rule book to remove the 3 second minimum requirement found in the PG pg. 76?
There is no mention of force feeding a potion to an unconscious or sleeping person, (also PG pg. 76), does that still apply?
Did Pin Globes from Tinkering not make the cut? I remember them in one version of the paytest, but don't see them in this draft. They were 2 MC in cost.
Pin Globes were removed from 2.1
I have a question and i'm not sure where to put it. does anyone know if this new rulebook is a download only or will there be a printed version that can be bought??

David Raatz
I have a question and i'm not sure where to put it. does anyone know if this new rulebook is a download only or will there be a printed version that can be bought??

David Raatz
There will not be a hard copy to purchase at this time - only the downloadable free .pdf. this allows us to make constant updates to the book as things are voted in by the Owners. You may print the book yourself, but please note that this is still a draft right now. We'll let everyone know once the final is ready. Shouldn't be TOO much longer!
If random typo type things are found in V5, is there a method/location where those should be shared?
You can submit it here to be corrected.
Thank you
Can't find mention of anything similar to "A player can challenge an NPC and request to see the documentation," as per player's guide pg. 48 and to some extent 62.
Page 84: Using potions
Is it the intent of the new rule book to remove the 3 second minimum requirement found in the PG pg. 76?
There is no mention of force feeding a potion to an unconscious or sleeping person, (also PG pg. 76), does that still apply?
Added documentation to additional game information.
Added additional information about potions to "Using potions".
Thank you
Editing Things
  • Binary Gendering
    • Pg. 37, Disarm: Final Paragraph "behind his or her back" > "behind their back"
    • Pg. 44, Wall of Force, final Paragraph "any time he or she touches the" > any time any of the casters touches"
    • Pg. 59, Mental Abilities, 3rd Paragraph "Change his or her mind" > "Change their mind"
    • Pg. 59, Mental Abilities, 3rd Paragraph ""This to him or her if the" > "this to them if the"
    • Pg. 61, Destroy Moral Code "Allow his or her moral code" > "allow their moral code"
    • Pg. 61, Destroy Moral Code "Allow his or her mind to" > "allow their mind to"
  • Typo
    • Pg. 79. Ritual Difficulty, Success, Failure, and Backlash "The ritual marshal will roll a 10-sided due against" > "10-sided die against"

Rules Things
  • High Magic Chart, Pg 68
    • General
      • Channeling Execution - "Allows Killing Blows using Channeling Pool"> "Allows killing blows by expending 5 from Channeling Pool"
        • Pre Req "Channeling & Claws or Weapon skill if not delivered by hand"
    • Bane
      • How does one Bane a Killing Blow,
  • Ritual Casting - Automatic Backlash, Pg. 80
    • "Receives a weapon or packet delivered attack, even if the attack would not normally affect the individual"
      • I assume this is when something happens on the inside of the CoP. Events from outside the circle such as stray weapons and packets which are "no effect, active circle" - do not cause an automatic backlash.
    • Ritual Casting Summary, Pg 82 - Ritual Casting
      • 3. "The Ritual marshal calls a hold" > "The Ritual Marshal calls a Time-Out"
      • 4. Making sure all players inside the CoP are awake - This is not described in any section of ritual casting. This summary is the first appearance.
  • Battle Magic Scroll Rules - Pg 84
    • "Read the scroll out-loud, and then throw the packet at your target" > "Throw or Touch-cast"
  • Monster Abilities:
    • Rift - Pg. 106
      • "Able to take items and others along, even against their will". - "Opting to expend a voluntary defense while rifting will interrupt the rift."
        • This theoretically means that an involuntary passenger, may expend a voluntary defense to interrupt their rift count. However does this also interrupt the character which started/opened/created the rift.
      • Must be: Conscious, Sound of Mind, Not be completely immobilized, and able to use game abilities
        • Meaning any of the following is capable of stopping a rift (depending on the monster character or how they activate their rift):
          • Enfeeble, Sleep, Charm, Fear, Berserk, Turn Undead, Purify, Subjugate, Prison, Web, Silence, paralysis, Doom, Wither, Drain
            • What happens if any of these skills are used on an unwilling passenger?
    • Swarmed - Pg 106
      • "NPC Player must state Swarmed before using any swarmed abilities until no longer swarmed."
        • This is a change from the previous "Swarm". is swarm still a valid call or must it be "Swarmed"
    • Threshold - Pg 106
      • NPC player states "No Effect"
        • This can confuse players. <5Normal, "No Effect"> is the same call and could equally mean "Immune damage type", "Immune effect", "Immune Weapon/weapon type/Spell/Elemental/Poison". As all of these represent zero result, but not a volunteray or involuntary defense. This confusion can frustrate players as they must then test each of these three things, almost always testing the delivery and carrier before the amount often wasting skills and time. particularly because "why" its no effect has to search through the carriers, weapon skills, deliveries which is a giant list especially in small mods.
          • I would suggest that this be adjusted the same way that block was. Instead of calling "block" it is now "<type> Block". which would make threshold "Threshold, No Effect" or "Threshold Reduced". Informing the player that whatever they are doing it is either not enough, or to much. But not inherently that they need to search through the carriers, weapon skills, and deliveries to find something that works to circomvent the Immune/harm by/heal by/reduce type/effect gambit. Completely seperating it as a unique monster skill from monster skills of "No Effect", "Reduced", "Pierce", and "Altered". Which I imagine will have a direct correlation to players better understanding monsters and not feeling as if their character is not useful or that their abilities were ignored. all of which reduces the amount of customer service conversations a staff may need to have caused by this type of confusion.
Editing Things
  • Binary Gendering
    • Pg. 37, Disarm: Final Paragraph "behind his or her back" > "behind their back"
    • Pg. 44, Wall of Force, final Paragraph "any time he or she touches the" > any time any of the casters touches"
    • Pg. 59, Mental Abilities, 3rd Paragraph "Change his or her mind" > "Change their mind"
    • Pg. 59, Mental Abilities, 3rd Paragraph ""This to him or her if the" > "this to them if the"
    • Pg. 61, Destroy Moral Code "Allow his or her moral code" > "allow their moral code"
    • Pg. 61, Destroy Moral Code "Allow his or her mind to" > "allow their mind to"
  • Typo
    • Pg. 79. Ritual Difficulty, Success, Failure, and Backlash "The ritual marshal will roll a 10-sided due against" > "10-sided die against"
Editing thing:

Inscription Table, Pg. 88 - Dispel says 7CM, but should be 8.
Corrected Binary language
Corrected Typo
Corrected Table
Thank you
Is it intentional to no longer require players to pay in silver to silver a weapon?
Is it intentional to no longer require players to pay in silver to silver a weapon?
Silver coins haven’t been required to pay for silvering weapons since pre-1.3.
"15 silver" as it appears there is simply one of the ways to express 1.5 gold.
Its not been required to be paid in silver in at least a decade and a half.