Welcome back to the 2016 Season of Alliance San Francisco!
We are happy to be returning to Camp Loma and Camp Chesebrough this year, as well as this year in addition to using our newest site, Camp Krem.
All events will be divided between Tent Camping events at Loma and Cheseborough and Cabin events at Camp Krem. There is limited Cabin Space at games held at Camp Loma on a First Come, First Serve basis. Tent space if needed, will be available to players who do not have a tent.
We have a Goblin Stamp reward policy in place for additional tent space offered by players.
Please Contact Logistics at for further details.
January 15- 18 (3 Day) – The Maelstrom
Camp Krem
TBA: We return once more to the Veltari city, against the on going struggle of the encroaching darkness and the ever present threat of the Elementals still claiming the world.
February 5-7 – Enerret
At Camp Krem
Something Wicked In the Woods
Baron Viktor Vasilyev has asked the White Tenebrous Walkers and local adventurers to travel to the Forest Kingdom of Sylvarus to capture and arrest several escaped criminals from the watch tower prison in Brimm’s Watch. The Baron, through the Autumn Queen, has received permission for the small group to enter the Forest Kingdom which typically does not open its borders to outsiders. Armed with a writ of bounty for Kelu the Voidbender; a Karlic dark wizard, Sesus ni Vek the undead Satyri, Jotun the vampiric Dark Orc, Yavelli Krushev the Spiller of Noble Blood; a Karlik assassin, and a bizarre creature known as the Chromasity the adventurers, both foreign and local, begin the journey to Shady Pines where it is believed the criminals are headed. Having had to camp several nights, the adventures look forward to warm food and beds as they approach the small hamlet of Poppy Ridge…
March 18-20 - The Maelstrom
Camp Krem
April 15-17 - Enerret
Camp Loma
Frost on the Bloom
June 10-12 - Enerret
Camp Loma
The Red Resolution
July 15-17 - The Maelstrom
Camp Cheseborough
August 20 and 21 - Enerret (Back to Back Day Games)
Grant Ranch County Park
Return of the Apple Festival
October 7-10 (3 Day) – Enerret
Camp Krem
Season Closer- In the Shadow of the Empire
November 11-13 (2 Day) - The Maelstrom
Camp Chesebrough
We are looking forward to having another amazing season!
For those who are interested in Blanketing our entire 2016 season for an awesome reduced cost, please take a look at our Season Pass!
Check it out here:
We are happy to be returning to Camp Loma and Camp Chesebrough this year, as well as this year in addition to using our newest site, Camp Krem.
All events will be divided between Tent Camping events at Loma and Cheseborough and Cabin events at Camp Krem. There is limited Cabin Space at games held at Camp Loma on a First Come, First Serve basis. Tent space if needed, will be available to players who do not have a tent.
We have a Goblin Stamp reward policy in place for additional tent space offered by players.
Please Contact Logistics at for further details.
January 15- 18 (3 Day) – The Maelstrom
Camp Krem
TBA: We return once more to the Veltari city, against the on going struggle of the encroaching darkness and the ever present threat of the Elementals still claiming the world.
February 5-7 – Enerret
At Camp Krem
Something Wicked In the Woods
Baron Viktor Vasilyev has asked the White Tenebrous Walkers and local adventurers to travel to the Forest Kingdom of Sylvarus to capture and arrest several escaped criminals from the watch tower prison in Brimm’s Watch. The Baron, through the Autumn Queen, has received permission for the small group to enter the Forest Kingdom which typically does not open its borders to outsiders. Armed with a writ of bounty for Kelu the Voidbender; a Karlic dark wizard, Sesus ni Vek the undead Satyri, Jotun the vampiric Dark Orc, Yavelli Krushev the Spiller of Noble Blood; a Karlik assassin, and a bizarre creature known as the Chromasity the adventurers, both foreign and local, begin the journey to Shady Pines where it is believed the criminals are headed. Having had to camp several nights, the adventures look forward to warm food and beds as they approach the small hamlet of Poppy Ridge…
March 18-20 - The Maelstrom
Camp Krem
April 15-17 - Enerret
Camp Loma
Frost on the Bloom
June 10-12 - Enerret
Camp Loma
The Red Resolution
July 15-17 - The Maelstrom
Camp Cheseborough
August 20 and 21 - Enerret (Back to Back Day Games)
Grant Ranch County Park
Return of the Apple Festival
October 7-10 (3 Day) – Enerret
Camp Krem
Season Closer- In the Shadow of the Empire
November 11-13 (2 Day) - The Maelstrom
Camp Chesebrough
We are looking forward to having another amazing season!
For those who are interested in Blanketing our entire 2016 season for an awesome reduced cost, please take a look at our Season Pass!
Check it out here:
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