Alliance SoMI
Alliance South Michigan 2020 Season Announcement
Welcome to the Shattered Realms
Update: We're putting together our Event Schedule based on our current volunteers. We'll be reaching out to the volunteers later this week to begin talking about their ideas, teams, and our support. We're still looking for at least one more team to run an Event as well as a backup team, ready to step in and help if another team can't run their event for any reason.
If you're still interested, send Matt an Email (
Welcome to the Shattered Realms
Update: We're putting together our Event Schedule based on our current volunteers. We'll be reaching out to the volunteers later this week to begin talking about their ideas, teams, and our support. We're still looking for at least one more team to run an Event as well as a backup team, ready to step in and help if another team can't run their event for any reason.
If you're still interested, send Matt an Email (
The Alliance South Michigan staff is excited to invite our Players to be part of a unique story experience for our 2020 Season. The entire Season will be a series of self contained Events, as the adventurers of Dragonreach journey through the Mists to assist lands and kingdoms in peril.
Each of these kingdoms were once allies of King Lycergis during the first war against Bleak, but each was thought lost or destroyed during that war. Now they have emerged from the Mists in small pockets around Kundirk, with resources and an interest in renewing their alliance with the King. This bodes well for Dragonreach as it gathers it allies for what appears to be an inevitable conflict with the Kingdom of Allacar. However, each of these small kingdoms also has a large problem that only adventurers can solve. What are these problems you ask? Well that’s for you to decide.
Shattered Realms Introduction
Chad, Chris, and Travis have planned and run our game in the Kingdom of Dragonreach for the past decade and while they enjoy creating a living world for us to explore even they need a break. We conceived the Shattered Realms concept as a way for other folks to dip their feet in the water of running Events, without needing to find a place in the larger Dragonreach setting to fit their ideas . We’re looking for Players to build a small team and run a one off weekend Event. The Characters’ actions will still impact and advance Dragonreach plot, as each of these Events could lead to an alliance with the kingdom but, at the same time it allows Players to get more involved in the future of the Chapter. Additional Information
The goal of this Season concept is to encourage more Player involvement with the Plot side of the game. Maybe you’ve never thought about running the game, maybe you’re afraid of messing up, but have no fear! The Dragonreach plot team will be available to assist teams with any resources we can, including story advice, monster statting, prop construction, and treasure allocation. After a year’s break, the Dragonreach plot team will continue running the campaign. But, hopefully with a few more folks who are interested in contributing to our story.
- Is the Dragonreach Plot team quitting?
- No. we’ll be active in running the Chapter, but running Events for ten years is a lot of work. We enjoy being PCs too and seeing the game from that perspective helps us form a better impression of the game and we’d like some more chances to do so. After a year off, I’m sure we’ll be chomping at the bit to start running Events again.
- What about Dragonfall?
- If we do run an Event, it’ll likely be Dragonfall. Otherwise this may be the first year the adventurers celebrate it away from home.
- What about the Kalinthas team, can’t they just run more Events?
- They’ve also indicated they’d like a year off.
- I’d like to run stuff but, I don’t have a team.
- Reach out to us, there might be more folks looking for help.
- What if you don’t get enough volunteers to run all the Events?
- If we can’t get the support of our Players to make this idea work we’ve discussed cutting some of the Events out of the season and have a shorter one. We hope that we don’t need to make this difficult choice.
- I’m not sure if I’d be good at running plot but, I can help with some other things, such as prop construction or the tavern, would that be useful?
- Yes. A lot of these teams will need help building things, npcs, etc. There’s a lot to do, so all kinds of help is appreciated. Reach out to us and let us know what you’d like to get involved with, we’ll make the connections so everyone can be more involved.
- What happens if we want to run more than one Event?
- If you have an idea that will take more than one Event we’ll work with you to address that situation but if teams enjoy the Plot experience they’ll have the potential to continue running their plotline in the future.
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