Almost Game Time!


Just wondering who is going?
Me I will be NPCing for the first time.

No Drethal I just don't have enough money.

well we will be happy to have you in monster camp!

I'll be there. =D
Avaran said:
I'll be there. =D
I'll be there, singing in the snow.
I'll be there delivered the killing blow.
I'll be there hoping you will know.
I'll be there, slaying with a smile that glows.

Still uncertain. My friends and I are planning to go up to Canada to celebrate the fact that my sister is now 19, if you know what I mean. And get sushi. It's better and cheaper up there, as I have seen so far. Decent sushi down here costs a pound of flesh.

I guess it all depends on what weekend we decide to go.
I'll be there, blessing everyone with Slice's presence. And for the dozen or so people that will most likely ask me over the next two weeks, Greg and Jonno will also be coming.

PS. What's a wampa? Is that a cross between a walabee and an oompa loompa (sp?), cause that would be crazy.

jpariury said:
I'll be attending and playing Wilbur, the galloping Wampa-scavenger.
Dude... that is exactly how I envision you anyhow. Who needs a scavenger?

I was SOO mad last time JP knawed my horse to death!

(P.S. Holly should be made to suffer through all the Star Wars movies back to back until she can pass a extensive trivia quiz. And here I thought she was a gamer...)
Or just by her the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit that she may study...

Oh, and I will be there, on the PC's side this time. I am assured that plot is writing "Ruprt has a wonderful day and finds PHAT loot" for me, of course it qwas Bond and he was grinning so I somehow don't think that will be the case.
jpariury said:
I'll be attending and playing Wilbur, the galloping Wampa-scavenger.

Wilbur as in Mr ED???

Wampa-scavenger??? Will you be bringing a Willy Wonka Sing-along Book??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :D

This I gotta see....All kidding aside (luv ya JP) I'll be there.
I make no promises, but I can sure as hell *try* to get to game...

I imagine I will be killed many many times.

However I hope I take down some of you PC's too :laugh: :laugh:
I'm going to be there for the first time in a long time, thanks to generous friends.