An Announcement from Quintessa


New Hampshire Staff
(Quintessa arrives in the tavern of Myerston, having received a formal missive hand-delivered by Thalia. To the adventurers gathered there, she reads aloud: )

On Behalf of All Ourosila in the City of Sila: A note of gratitude.

To the surface-dwelling adventuring community on the Isle of Khar-Durai,

Though our meeting was rife with concern and under the most dire circumstances, you have each and every one proven to be valorous, honorable, and trustworthy. You have not only saved our lands by destroying the nests of magic-siphoning beasts that threatened our catastrophic collapse, but you have also brought to us enlightenment and interaction that we have not had for over twenty thousand years.

You bring news of the plague - or lack thereof. There was no contagious illness, simply the leylines and their Emanation. We now feel safe to research this mysterious phenomenon. With special appreciation to the most fascinating Dwarf, Wendel.

You bring news of poisons - but not with risk. Alchemy was an unknown art to us, but your knowledge and resources have piqued our scholarly interest most thoroughly. With special appreciation to the Jay-kin Minerva and the Dryad Oak.

Sincerest Regards,
Elder Oson

(The note is pinned on the tavern wall for some time, for all to see)