An Archive of our Knowledge


Greetings Unbounded, and those of you who travel to these mists. For those of you who have not met me I am Tarikk, you'll often find me holding a shield in the front lines of combat.

I have come to the conclusion after some discussion and thought, that an archive containing the collective knowledge of all of us regarding the Grimere Expanse could be incredibly beneficial. I have decided to start this process by putting out a request to all Unbounded and those who have knowledge of these lands to share with me what they can. I am accessible by the dreaming and at market, I understand some of you will not want to give information freely and that is understood. I am just here to gather knowledge that is ok and safe to be shared widespread. If you have information that can be shared but sources can't be known I can always file it that way to keep things that need be secure, safe.

When I have received information, I will be recording it and filing it in a spot any and all unbounded can view, which I will speak further about when I have some information in the Archive to begin with. Unless stated otherwise the information will have its sources included in its file, and if there are any updates or clarifications on the information or source, the original file will be updated and any information that is no longer correct or that would be removed will be put somewhere still viewable within the file.

The purpose of this archive is to help spread information throughout the community of Unbounded to prevent misinformation. As well as to keep people up to date on things they may not be able to follow as closely as others.

It is important to note that this Archive will not be available to the general public of the Grimere Expanse, and will only be accessible to those of us that are Unbounded, Adventurers, or whatever you'd like to call yourself.

I eagerly await responses from the unbounded community, and look forward to helping spread clarity and knowledge to all of us.

I have started the process of entering and organizing information in the Archive. Right now there is a healthy section on the Fae courts, a section on Creatures of Power, and an empty section on the blight which I am getting the information for currently. I plan on updating this regularly and its open for any unbounded or adventurers viewing. Feel free to write notes on the files to explain theories or ideas ((Comments on google docs should be open for everyone, just put your IG name afterward so we know whose writing.))

Rathfall Unbounded Public Knowledge Archive

Dank you for dis, da spreading of da knowledge is a good ting. for da knowledge is a power in it own way. Placing da knowledge where dos dat encounter it so dat dey are safe and able to make good choices can only help dos adventuring in da Expanse

- Klack