For those who do not already know, Sunday morning myself and Mai learned of some information on a weapon left at the site of battle with the Hags. At my personal expense we traveled out, slayed the few creatures in the area and recovered it. While we could have claimed the blade for our own, we feel that the town's interests are far better served by offering this blade up for Auction and sharing the coin as well as possible. Unfortunately as many had left by that time, it will likely prove impossible to do this perfectly so we'll do doing the best we can.
First, this item will be available for auction until the Evening of July 19th, at which point payment will be due, and the coin will be split. The list of those participating in this auction is below, the coin will only be split to the nearest 2 silver, rounded down. (so if the shares work out to be 1.47 gold per, they will be delivered at 1.4 gold) I will do my level best to deliver shares to you, or a person you designate by the end of September. Any undelivered shares at that point will be considered forfeit and donated to the town box, or spent for the town's good at my complete discretion.
The Item is a Long sword of a black colored with a scattered diamond motif/style and holds the enchantment to do cause an inexperienced warrior to strike with five times the usual strength against the corrupt, or any cursed for 5 years. In the hands of a more experienced warrior it will add the same amount of damage (8 dagger blows). This blade will last 5 years from last weekend. The sword seems closely tied to our lands, but I have been assured it would likely travel easily to Gaden.
Ethel's Heartbreaker
+8 Cursed Slayer
Preserver 5/25/2018
Current Bid - 45 Gold
Current Bidder - Keallit
Names of those involved in the Auction, please forgive any misspellings, except for Tarque, because I still say you spell your name wrong my friend.
1.) Panda
2.) Bevin
3.) Hengin
4.) Harlequin
5.) Tondra
6.) Nova
7.) Eve - Jehan
8.) Bart - Jehan
9.) Kalin - Jehan
10.) Talitha
11.) York
12.) Biff
13.) Mordagh
14.) Nahani
15.) Neolani
16.) Don't
17.) Knot
18.) Magdalin
19.) Runt
20.) Ashura
21.) Kitauren
22.) Gandian - To be given to Ashura
23.) Regan - Delivered
24.) Enan - Delivered
25.) Tarque
26.) Davion
27.) Nikolo
28.) Ahlana - Jehan
29.) Keallit - Delivered
30.) Death Gypsy
31.) Mai
32.) Socora
33.) V.
34.) Liddia Fallingstar
35.) Neo/ Shiny
36.) Arkemedies.
In Service,
- Lord Enan Bluewater
Keeper of the Azure Keep.
First, this item will be available for auction until the Evening of July 19th, at which point payment will be due, and the coin will be split. The list of those participating in this auction is below, the coin will only be split to the nearest 2 silver, rounded down. (so if the shares work out to be 1.47 gold per, they will be delivered at 1.4 gold) I will do my level best to deliver shares to you, or a person you designate by the end of September. Any undelivered shares at that point will be considered forfeit and donated to the town box, or spent for the town's good at my complete discretion.
The Item is a Long sword of a black colored with a scattered diamond motif/style and holds the enchantment to do cause an inexperienced warrior to strike with five times the usual strength against the corrupt, or any cursed for 5 years. In the hands of a more experienced warrior it will add the same amount of damage (8 dagger blows). This blade will last 5 years from last weekend. The sword seems closely tied to our lands, but I have been assured it would likely travel easily to Gaden.
Ethel's Heartbreaker
+8 Cursed Slayer
Preserver 5/25/2018
Current Bid - 45 Gold
Current Bidder - Keallit
Names of those involved in the Auction, please forgive any misspellings, except for Tarque, because I still say you spell your name wrong my friend.
1.) Panda
2.) Bevin
3.) Hengin
4.) Harlequin
5.) Tondra
6.) Nova
7.) Eve - Jehan
8.) Bart - Jehan
9.) Kalin - Jehan
10.) Talitha
11.) York
12.) Biff
13.) Mordagh
14.) Nahani
15.) Neolani
16.) Don't
17.) Knot
18.) Magdalin
19.) Runt
20.) Ashura
21.) Kitauren
22.) Gandian - To be given to Ashura
23.) Regan - Delivered
24.) Enan - Delivered
25.) Tarque
26.) Davion
27.) Nikolo
28.) Ahlana - Jehan
29.) Keallit - Delivered
30.) Death Gypsy
31.) Mai
32.) Socora
33.) V.
34.) Liddia Fallingstar
35.) Neo/ Shiny
36.) Arkemedies.
In Service,
- Lord Enan Bluewater
Keeper of the Azure Keep.