An blighted invitation to Ç'est Ver Gras


Chicago Staff
Greetings travelers both well-worn and those yet to be tarnished,

My name is Lord Stephan Bordeaux, and I am the village caretaker of Bucket’s End, a Hobling community found deep in the Blightlands of the Grimere Expanse. Magics from the Mists have annoyingly manifested around the area of our quaint small village, allowing me for the time being, to reach out through mysteries of mist into the dreamings and contact other worlds and “adventurers”. A jarring revelation for our typically isolated way of life; I cannot decide whether to be intrigued or incredibly offended.

To wit, you will be able to visit my village this Friday as a result. Fortunately for you all, we will be celebrating Ç'est Ver Gras, better known as Fat Worm’s Day. Our small community will gather at our tavern, the Dead Pony Inn for games, gambling, and stories. It is destined to be a gay ol’ time, I assure you. Unfortunately for you all, visitors don’t typically stay long in our lands due to the harsh and unforgiving nature of the Blightlands. Creatures of the Blight have been acting strange and growing bolder in the past weeks, making my job an actual challenge. Perhaps some of you would be willing to assist me in looking into such potential concerns?

Please don’t reach out for questions. They will probably annoy me.

-Lord Stephan Bordeaux