avalon willowcrest
My fellow Caldarians,
Nearly a year ago, Hrothgar Fuerbart, the closest thing the united Volker nation have had to a king in generations, issued a grave declaration of war against the Shadow and its embodiment in the draconic creature known as Strife. For that length of time, the Volker have fought a bloody siege deep in the Wildlands. I need not remind you of the danger of this creature and its dark masters, as you have crossed blade and spell with it many times.
Earlier today, a small group of Volker emissaries, carrying word from their Chief of Chiefs, brought grave news and it is my intention to respond, with as many brave souls and as much might as this community can bring to bear.
The battle against Strife nears its end, and the Volker nation finds itself stretched close to the breaking point, with both victory and crushing defeat possible. Chief Fuerbart specifically instructed his emissaries to remind us of the debt owed to the Volker for their assistance against the Kurzinor, though such is certainly unnecessary. Assistance here will go far to balancing the scales of obligation between our two peoples.
The Volker emissaries, lead by a shaman Brunha Grey Eye, will be opening a magical path in two days. They have chosen a small clearing less than an hour north of the Wellspring for their ritual. I will be going through to help forge this magical path that will aid what military strength we can spare arrive. I call upon you, brave souls all, people that have fought and died against the very creatures the Volker have brought to battle, to stand with me.
If you are willing, able, and of resolve, you will be needed.
With Honor,
Dame Gwynllan, Magistrate of the lands of House Carr
Regent of the Lands of House Carr
Nearly a year ago, Hrothgar Fuerbart, the closest thing the united Volker nation have had to a king in generations, issued a grave declaration of war against the Shadow and its embodiment in the draconic creature known as Strife. For that length of time, the Volker have fought a bloody siege deep in the Wildlands. I need not remind you of the danger of this creature and its dark masters, as you have crossed blade and spell with it many times.
Earlier today, a small group of Volker emissaries, carrying word from their Chief of Chiefs, brought grave news and it is my intention to respond, with as many brave souls and as much might as this community can bring to bear.
The battle against Strife nears its end, and the Volker nation finds itself stretched close to the breaking point, with both victory and crushing defeat possible. Chief Fuerbart specifically instructed his emissaries to remind us of the debt owed to the Volker for their assistance against the Kurzinor, though such is certainly unnecessary. Assistance here will go far to balancing the scales of obligation between our two peoples.
The Volker emissaries, lead by a shaman Brunha Grey Eye, will be opening a magical path in two days. They have chosen a small clearing less than an hour north of the Wellspring for their ritual. I will be going through to help forge this magical path that will aid what military strength we can spare arrive. I call upon you, brave souls all, people that have fought and died against the very creatures the Volker have brought to battle, to stand with me.
If you are willing, able, and of resolve, you will be needed.
With Honor,
Dame Gwynllan, Magistrate of the lands of House Carr
Regent of the Lands of House Carr