An important warning from the Celestial Guild


To all those residing in the former Fort Miller area,

Be advised that a small number of goblins have been seen in the areas in and around the previous's forts locations, citizens are hear-by advised to avoid confrontations with these creatures if at all possible, and to provide them with whatever 'tribute' they might request should a meeting be unavoidable. Remember, goblins may be malicious and cruel but they rarely take lives unless they are challenged.

To those adventurers that may be willing to help, I will be personally returning this next marketday to offer what aid in protective magicks I can, and the Celestial Guild is offering a bounty to any group that can remove these creatures from the region. Interested groups should be experienced in small group tatics, and be prepared for a significant encounter.

-Jivah Earnestwood,
Journeyman, Celestial Guild of Gaden
If anyone needs another sword to join on this one... let me know :)


I was wait to see if someone interested in join your guild wanted to take you up on this matter, but if no one has answered your call you know what I can do and that I can get a group together. If you still need ad in the matter send me a pigeon or find me and my companions next market day.


This is not precisely a Celestial Guild matter, we are offering assistance because left unchecked a goblin infestation could likely decimate the surrounding area. I will be in the area early on saturday morning to talk with any volunteers on this matter.
