An Introduction


Chicago Staff
Fair People of Zhis land!

For zhose I have not yet met, allow me to introduce myself. I am Gregory Renaldo Binks zhe III. However, zou can call me Binks! I am a singer of songs, a teller of stories and a man zo nice, I haven't made an enemy vhy knowledge at least!

I heard tales of zhis land and I vill try to record zhem and make more tales of my own. I hail from Vayside, and have traveled as far as zhe Sheltered Lands. Zhou now I come here.

What trials vill I face, vhat vonder zhall I experience, and vhat stories zhall ve recorded in my memories?!

I vook forward to meeting each and every vone of you--if I have not yet met you yet!

A simple Bard,
Greetings Binks!

I have been to Wayside and have seen your face before, although it was some sort of imposter. That must have been... A year ago to the date, I believe! Anyway, I hope you figured that out. Can't have someone running around pretending to be you! This time I look forward to actually meeting you, cousin! Perhaps we can find some time to sit down and share some tales. I'll bring the wine!

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri
People keep telling me about zhis double of mine, but there is vone simple problem vith zhat...for zhere to exist two Binks in this world would certainly result in Fortanis imploding upon itself as zit can't handle zhat much Binks.

A simple Romani