An Introduction



Hello middle earth players.

I used to be on this list awhile back.. Attended one of your events and a couple others from the central WA group. My introduction to the game was with the other group.

Used be be very active in the SCA, merchanting at many events each year. Some of you may remember me. Leather Work, aka Lazarus Wolfdracca.. and on one really interesting weekend... Relic. A character written for me to play.

Some of my income was generated of course thru the SCA.. but I had the most fun being allowed to inject myself into the game. What a hoot that was.

My health took a rather bad turn a couple years ago and I dropped out of sight more or less. Been well on the mend and considering getting back into attending a few events this coming spring/summer.

Mount Vernon WA
Sometimes on Yahoo lthrwrk2000
Hey hey!

Good to hear from you... we hadn't heard from you for a while, but it's good to hear you're getting better. I play Polare (your son ;). It would be great to see you at some events again sometime.

WHOAH! You live in Mount Vernon!? That is the closest NERO player to my dad and I other than the folks in B'ham. My dad and I live in the Anacortes Part.

Anyways...You dont know me but uhh welcome back!!!

Good to see another return player... especially one who is an SCAdian, and can work with cuir. :D

I hope to see you on the field... WAIT... you're Polare's Daddy?

I dub thee P-Daddy. (without punching or white belting you.)

-Gid, KNAS :p