An Invitation from the Archaeology Guild (IG)


Once again, the comfort of deep sleep melts away into the complex network of minds that structures the Dreaming. The hushed and muted conversations of the denizens of Fortannis fill the air, their shadowy forms just barely out of focus, flickering in and out of existence.

The darkness begins to fade into a warm yellow light, and the misted shadows around you close into slatted wooden walls. The strong smell of pipe tobacco and old parchment washes over you as the room focuses into a tight personal study. A thin glimpse of light peaks through a window hidden behind a stack of books, and a candle close to its demise flickers defiantly on a desk. A woman beams back at you, her grinning young face in stark contrast to the ancient oddities that surround her.

Good evening, my name is Professor Lillian Burbank of the Acarthian Archaeological Society. My research lies in non-Acarthian shard research and I currently work under Guildmaster Finneas. Recently, a member of the Acarthian Solana family made an extraordinary claim about the existence of a lost shard by the name of Voridium. A month long delve into the annals of the Loremaster’s Guild has revealed firsthand accounts of the Solana expedition some one hundred and twenty-seven years ago.

As the Archaeological Society’s primary motive is the preservation and understanding of civilizations and cultures lost to the flow of time, an expedition is to be headed by my colleague Guildmaster Finneas. The guild believes that this undertaking could be both an incredibly lucrative and terribly dangerous one. Thus, Guildmaster Finneas and myself offer to the adventurous spirit the incredible opportunity of delving into one of Fortannis’ greatest archaeological mysteries. We look to hire and work with those interested in both defending our survey, as well as picking apart the enigma of this once incredible civilization. Payment will be assured, and artifacts of non-cultural significance await you.

All that is required of you to join this incredibly lucrative opportunity is a skilled mistwalker, and a taste for the unknown. Find us at the joint-venture camp in two months’ time.

~Lillian Burbank
Professor Burbank,

Is there any particular protocol for those who wish to join the Archaeological Society’s expedition? I am very interested in exploring and documenting the artifacts and cultures of this shard, and it seems that the Society’s goals align most closely with my own. However, I have never traveled to your lands and am unfamiliar with your guild structure and other procedures and customs.

I look forward to learning more, and, hopefully, to joining your expedition.

Best Regards,
Pluvianella Charbonneau
Pluvianella Charbonneau

There would be a specific protocol to follow if you wanted to join an expedition to Acarthian ruins, but due to the fleeting nature of Voridium we have decided to eschew that requirement. If you would like to join our expedition, keep an eye out for myself or Guildmaster Finneas at the joint-venture camp, we would be delighted to have your assistance.

~Lillian Burbank