An Invitation to Education


San Francisco Staff
*A voice speaks in a faux dwarven accent and if you focus on it you hear the sound of a lute like instrument playing the background.*

Greeting to one and all,

For those who do not know me I am Embrawk Hematite of the Resplendent Quail Merchanting Company.

I officially invite all of you to a Malestrome knowledge and theory exchange.

This will, barring any extreme circumstances, take place on the first evening of our next gathering at supper time. We shall meet in the dining pavilion and I hope that those new to Maelstrome like myself will all attend.

I have prepared what I believe is a good general basic lesson on what is currently happening and a little bit on how the world came to be as it is.

If there are any who can help fill in the gaps, That would be much appreciated. After all many of you know far more than me and this is a chance for you to educate those new, those just arriving, and perhaps even each other.

You may be amazed at the things you can learn with fresh eyes on the facts you've looked over a thousand times.
This leads to the second part of this meeting.

After all feel they have a firm grasp on what is happening and a few questions are answered, the real fun can being. At this point we can open up the conversation to Maelstrome theory. This is where we get into the practical and odd theories of the who, what,where,why and when of these lands.

Is it place somehow linked to the other lands in Fortannis?

Can the elementals shift into being mortals and if so can they switch back at will?

Was the elemental onslaught really an accidental side effect of a the great war?

Was it caused by those with malicious intent and if so who are they?

All this and much more will be discussed at the Maelstrome knowledge and theory exchange.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Your informative and inquisitive friend
Embrawk Hematite of the Quails.
I will offer what I can, with what knowledge I have. I will base this in theory as much as possible and stay away from conjecture.

Is it place somehow linked to the other lands in Fortannis?
All lands in Fortannis are tied together inherently, though separated by the mysts.
We have seen strong indications that the Maelstrom as it was before had some degree of connection with other lands, specifically Generia and Garrenshaw.
However we don't know if this was from individuals and or groups traveling the mysts between these lands.

Can the elementals shift into being mortals and if so can they switch back at will?
Elementals who spend a prolonged period within the Realm, depending on their power at some point become subjected to the needs of mortals.
It varies depend on the strength of the elemental but this can include having a metabolism and being effected by poisons and gift spells.
However, conversely mortals who consumed elemental essence or were marked specifically by elementals could become elementals over time; gaining more elemental traits and properties; thus becoming harrowed by the elemental taint and less mortal. This can eventually lead to a mortal being effected by a Banish spell on the realm, banishing them back to a realm in which they are elementally tied.

It is clear that there are aspects of this transformation that require willing participation and aspects that do not.
It was found that after the Elemental war, captured mortals were experimented on by Life elementals to see if splicing Elementals and Mortals together could function.
To this end, we know that there have been, historically, mortals who have become Elementals - voluntarily or against their will.

It was previously the case that an Elemental could become mortal and we were seeing these effects; to the point where a specific elemental was able to resurrect in an earth circle.

Was the elemental onslaught really an accidental side effect of a the great war?
Though the Chaos war raged for many generations, the eventual use of Celestial ritual magic to open massive planar holes into the realm cause a destabilization and an imbalance in the world.
This was an additive effect that contributed to the ultimate situation that lead to the planar barriers falling and the elementals storming across the Realm; wiping out all other existence and tainting the land with Elemental essence.

Was it caused by those with malicious intent and if so who are they?
It is my belief that the ones that caused this were with absolute and total malicious intent.
There is no direct proof, but there is a great deal of circumstantial evidence that points towards the Wretched Outsiders influencing the realm for many years to create the scenario in which the Elementals would overwhelm and destroy everything in the realm.
It was through careful and wide spread corruption of the spirit and the manipulation of mortal wills and desires that they used servants to maneuver the world into a place that eventually lead it to cataclysm.

- Shin
(Spoken low and akwardly)
Thank you for your input shin . . .
(Spoken in an exciting tone)
I look forward to presenting these facts at the information exchange at next gathering and rest assured folks there will be pleanty more burning questions and more startling answers at knowledge and theory exchange. See you there.

Oh... Did I jump the gun...?

Im sorry!
Not a problem Shin. I will make sure to have plenty of other inquiries based on your information.

Amongst my questions I'll be sure to include the following.

What is a gun and how does one jump it?

I look forward to your answers at the information and theory exchange coming soon.