An Open Letter to All Adventurers


Gettysburg Staff
To all Adventurers and Traveling Heroes,

The offices of the Council of Betters invites you to the town of Fury Falls within the northern reaches of the Azure Empire of Tel'Al Anor. Your services are desired and requested to investigate a series of mystical doorways that have been opening in the environs of the town. They have primarily been doorways through which a significant amount of elves have traveled, but just last night a raiding party of the Brotherhood of Scales used two of them to launch an illegal attack against the people of the Empire.

We are hoping to gather as many irregular forces as possible over the next several weeks in order to relieve the Emperor's armies to other duties. We do not wish to publicly announce any further plans for obvious reasons - contact me directly or by missive ( or via PM) if you have questions regarding future tactics.

Captain Feodor Torda'ek
Adjutant to Lord General Legatus
Serving in Fury Falls