An open letter to those residing in Tarndale


To those residing in Tarndale,

For those of you who are unaware, the portal linking the Valley of Ghosts to Andar is now closed. I do not know if and when it will reopen, but it seems that, for now at least, those who have traveled through the portal are trapped here. I offer my condolences to anyone who is now suddenly separated from friends and family. Most of those who have spent their entire lives in Tarndale know the sting of suddenly losing someone you love.

My dreams have been filled with heartbreak, mistrust, and hurt feelings as of late. I remind everyone, whether you were born in Tarndale or entered through the portal, that words spoken in anger can sometimes do more harm than the sharpest hatchet. I know that not everybody has the good of their fellow man at heart, but while I do advise caution when dealing of matters of import, treating every new person you meet as an enemy will do more harm than good. It only takes one use of the word "in-bred" for someone to conclude that you do not care about other townsfolk. It only takes one angry outburst blaming somebody for a mistake for someone to conclude that you do not appreciate the effort some people have put into making us safe.

Tarndale has been through a lot in our lifetimes, both before and after that portal opened in the Harts' hallway. The dangers before may have been more familiar to us, but we would be deluding ourselves to remember it as peaceful. Just as before when we have faced hardships, we will stand together, bury our dead, and persevere, along with friends and allies both old and new.

Elder Osmond